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Hoi iedereen,

I am going to be asking a question to KPN and also explain my situation in detail, which has a lot of context. Apologies for typing this in English. Mijn Nederlands is niet goed.

This is going to be a long one.

I was a happy customer of KPN in my old adress. I had the “1gbps fiber internet” which worked for a whole year without even a single disconnection. But all the problems started when I moved to a new adress. After moving to the new adress, I found out that there was no box in the house to connect my modem. Now, the “glasvezelaansluitpunt” is inside the house, also known as “glasvezelkastje (FTU)” as seen in the photograph below. The problem is that, to connect the modem, this box needs another black connection box placed on top of it, which is something I did not have when I moved.

Without the black box on top of this white FTU box, I cannot connect to internet, so I called KPN and explained the situation. After a long conversation, they said that the connection of this box was not completed entirely on my adress by KPN Netwerk, and that I had to call them. After calling them, KPN Netwerk explained that this is a problem of KPN. After a frustrating week of calling back and forth (almost 15 calls at this point), they said they will send someone and they will call us about a date.

As you can imagine, this call never came. I work from home and I need urgent internet, so at this point I became very frustrated and cancelled my subscription (September 2022.)

After switching to Ziggo, I discovered how horrible their internet connection was, so I wanted to go back to KPN, because I always had great experience with their connection.

On 22 March 2023 I checked the KPN website and entered my adress. My adress was eligible for glasvezel! So they say on the website, but after buying the package again for 1gbps fiber internet, I explained to them that I have the FTU box at home, but somebody needs to come and install the black box, or send it to me and I install it myself.

Again, they explained this was responsibility of KPN Netwerk. Knowing this, I called KPN Netwerk. But this time they told me that they are not responsible for my adress anymore :)

After another 2 weeks of calling back and forth (again, almost 10 phone calls), KPN opened a ticket for me in the beginning of April and told me that somebody should call me to set a date and come to my home to install the black box.

My bestelstatus was set to 15 April on the website, so I assumed that would be the date that they come home. 15 April came, and I still have neither a phone call, an SMS, an email, or nobody ringing my doorbell. After a week past 15 April, I called them to explain the situation and they said that my bestelstatus was changed to 19 Mei, which it was. I complained and they sent me an emergency internet box. I am grateful for that, but it has a 100GB limit and in 2023 with that limit you cannot do anything.

In the call, they told me I have to wait for 19 Mei, I said okay and never called them again. As you can already guess, today is 19 Mei, and the day is almost over. I still don’t have any phone call, any email or text, no info at all given to me about my ticket. And of course nobody came. It has now been 2 months since I ordered the internet.

One time when I called KPN, they told me that if nobody comes, it is sometimes possible in rare cases to send the black box together with the modem, and I could install it myself following the instructions here:!/device/kpn-box/kpn-box-12/troubleshooter/aansluiten/type-installatie-bij-vervangen-van-modem/1

I am a handy guy, I believe I can do this myself. KPN, I am begging you, please either send someone already or send me this box so I can do it myself. I work from home and I have to borrow internet from my neighbor which is becoming very embarassing at this point. I do not want to go back to another company as I need fast internet speed for my work and my hobbies. 

Please, if you could give any update, I would appreciate it.



Further note: I cancelled my subscription and will have to go with Ziggo. I called KPN again this morning and they said the date would be 13 June but even then they can’t be sure.

I am sorry but I just can’t wait not knowing an exact date with an assurance at this point. I have never seen a worse customer experience in my life from any company. I know KPN has good internet, but its not worth the stress I have to go through just to get a basic internet connection at my home. KPN has to make this easier on customers otherwise they won’t get them.

Thank you if you read this.

Hi @Veledrome, welcome to our forum. This doesn't spund like a good start, that is a shame! That obviously is not how it should be. I understand from your reply that you've decided to stop the proces and go with a diferent provider. 

At the end of the day the most important thing is for you to have a working connection. We haven't been able to provide you with that yet, so I understand you checked other options.

If you want to give it another go in the future, or if there is anything else we can do for you, don't hesitate to ask us.