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KPN is not respecting the terms of our contract about fiberglass internet. They delay the connection from Sril and they don't care to send someone to fix the last step with the UFT box.  

Could you please tell me if there is a consumer organisation in the Netherlands that protects consumers rights in similar issues against companies who dont respect deadlines and terms of contracts? Imagine the opposite, if I delay for example 3 months to pay an invoice to kpn. 

Thank you in advance, 

Kind regards, 


I am sorry to read you're still awaiting your KPN fiber, @Nikos. When applying for a subscription, you provide us with a date on which you wish the services to be live. We, of course, try our best to meet this date. However, sometimes we have to delay installation of our services, because fiber has not yet been connected. As is the case with your situation.

I wish I could send you someone to install your fiberconnection. However, we - KPN the provider - don't do this. If you wish for someone to come install your fiber connection, I suggest you call 0880 06 37 44. They'll be able to tell you more about when you can expect to be connected.

Dear Denise,  thank you for your reply. 

I have 2 comments nevertheless deriving from your message. 

1st do not reassure your clients that fiberglass is already installed to their homes. Don't say to them, yes let's sign the subscription and after the signature you don't care.

Which leads to the 2nd comment. I called the number you gave me and I was told to call your contractor company. Please be aware that I signed a contract with you (kpn) Denise. I don't have to call ro any contractor company in order to fix my connection. I am sorry but kpn is held responsible from the day 1 I signed. And I will bring this case to Court for 4 months of delaying to respect the terms of our contract and I will ask a huge compensation for moral damages. 

Kind regards, Nikos 

I have not told you fiber has been installed, when it's not. I doubt we do that, anyway. Yes, you can order fiber when it's being installed at your address, even when it's not yet ready. But this also means that you sometimes have to wait for it to be installed. Hence, we do our best to meet your wish date, but sometimes we have to postpone the installation date.

So you have called the number I gave you and they told you to contact the contractor for an appointment. I suggest you do this. Yes, your contract is with KPN, but we cannot make an appointment between you and the contractor for the installation of fiber. I am sure you agree with me that it is much more convenient if you make this appointment yourself, as you, and only you, have access to your diary.
