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Good morning,

I have recently made a new contract with KPN and I received a new KPN Box 12. The installation worked decently fine, although logging in with the admin password to change the wifi password and network was problematic, as I got logged out multiple times. Basically I would manage to log in, then a minute later I would be logged out.

But anyways, I eventually managed to change the network name and password. However, I am now facing a more annoying problem, which is that a few times per day, at random intervals the modem seems to reset. When that happens, there is no wifi around the house at all, the extenders are all turning red and I have to wait 2-3 minutes to get it back again. During this time, the wifi light on the modem is blinking and the wi-fi extenders are red. I have tried to restart the modem, but this is still happening.

Has anybody else experience this? Is there a problem with the modem?
I had a KPN contract in the past, with a different KPN Box 12 and never had any issues with it. I could log in as an admin without getting kicked out and I had a good stable internet connection. 

Hi @radu1204! There may be a problem with the new modem. But chances are a lot higher it's not that. 

Often when we see this there is a device in the network that causes it. Most likely another router or switch. 

I do see the dropping connection back in our system. So at the very least it gets picked up. They all drop from after the modem though, not before that. So the connection to the modem itself is good. 

Would you please let me know here what your network consists of? You don't have to put every mobile device here. But focus mainly on things that are connected to the modem with an internetcable. Or devices that are less common. Smart Home products, solar energy equipment, that sort of thing. 

Please let me know here. The more detail you can give, the better I can help you. If it turns out to be the Box 12, I will swap it for you. But I need to make sure it's not other more common things first. 

Hi @Bram_ ,

Thank you very much for your reply. I will try to describe the network i have.

There are 2 cables leaving the modem and each goes initially into a TP-Link switch. 

The first one then splits the connection to a PS4, a Samsung TV and the KPN+ Box 12. This exact setup was there for a year and never had any troubles with it.

The second switch splits the connection to the KPN wi-fi extender recently purchased and also to a desktop computer. 

Other devices connected to the wifi are 2 mobile phones, another KPN wi-fi extender a laptop and an Eneco Toon device.

I did a reset on the modem a few days ago and it worked with no issues until yesterday when again dropped the connection a few times. What I noticed is that first the extender connected by cable get a green light blinking so the wi-fi is out and only 1 minute after the cable connection also drops.

So yes, there is an extender connected by cable directly to a switch. Would you recommend connecting it by wifi only like the other one?



@radu1204 my first recommendation would be to take off both switches. I understand they've run fine for ages. But that also means they're not new anymore. And stuff like modems regularly update. This means changed settings, and the possibility settings in the switch are no longer adequate. 

So if you could take both switches out of the network, then take the power off your FTU for a minimum of 2 minutes. After this, reset the Experia Box. Then check the connection. It should hold stable. 

When it does stay stable, add the first switch and see if the connection remains good. When it does, add the second switch. When it then drops, you know the culprit and we can get to work to find the reason. If the connection fails with just the modem up and running, please let me know here. I will get our engineers on this. 

I understand that things like the Eneco Toon device are best when connected at all times. But it's important to rule out what device is causing this. If I send an engineer and the problem turns out to be a faulty switch, this would mean the costs for the engineers will be required by you to pay. When the problem lies in our services, lines or modems, we pay the costs for the engineer. This is the reason I want to be thorough in ruling out the cause. If I send you an engineer I want to make sure he doesn't leave you with a bill that could have been prevented. 🙂

Hi @radu1204! Did you manage to see if my tips solved the problem for you?

Hi @Bram_ ,

Sorry for replying late, but usually every time I reset the router the problems take a few days to reappear. So I decided to give it time after implementing your tips.

So, after a few days when the problems did not appear anymore and everything seems to work fine, I think I narrowed it down to one of the switches causing this issue. For now, it seems I will simply have to use wifi at the upper floor, but so far the extender did not randomly reset and the connection speed is more than enough.

I hope the problems have gone away now, but I will come back to this topic if that is not the case.

Thank you very much for your help that ended in identifying the issue!

@radu1204 awesome to hear! And honestly, this is the best reason to not respond timely. 😉 

I`m closing the topic for you. Thanks for your resonse.Â