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I got my contract for internet-TV and mobile (combo deal) over the phone with a very nice and kind KPN employee. We agreed to a certain monthly amount (let 's call it A) , and then my first invoice was a different, higher amount (let 's call it 😎.

I have called multiple times, they refuse to connect me with that employee to discuss it, and they refuse to change it to what was agreed initially. If I was offered the B amount, I would have refused it. I 'm absolutely certain they record their calls, so there must be evidence of this. It is truly unacceptable to charge a different subscription than what was agreed upon. I tried going to a physical store, and they told me that they do not deal with contracts, and I should call the customer service. 

I agreed to amount A, so I demand to have a contract for amount A. I will not be paying more for a KPN mistake! I suspect they do it on purpose to gain a few extra money from people without their consent.


Edit: I called multiple times and the only answer I get is that if I want to change my contract, all my discounts will go away. As if I just woke up today and changed my mind. Unbelievable. 

usualy the first invoice is over a larger period than a month. You can check it if there are several periods on it. 

Thank you for your reply, but this is not the problem. They provided a more expensive subscription than what I agreed on the phone (which is recorded so we can go back to it, but they refuse to).

What does your contract (overeenkomst) say? Does this match the invoice, or your agreed amount?

My contract says the amount B, so it does not match my agreed amount A. The invoice is even higher than B, which I assume is because it covers a bit more than one month as you said, but that is not the issue. Amount B is the issue.

@Fellow_costumer Well that's unfortunate and i'm sorry that the contract doesn't match the expectations after the initial contact with my colleagues. Unfortunately i can not change a contract if it matches the written contract you're received. The only advise I can give you is this: You should contact them again to see if there is any possible adjustment to be me made. Otherwise you can ask them to lodge a complaint.Â