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I had applied to cancel my contract on 10th July 2024 because i moved outside the netherlands. It said i will be contacted within 5 working days. but it hasnt happened yet. I have tried applying for the same facility twice more, but no action has been taken. 
Now i am being charged for my monthly subscription even though someone else lives at the property. How can i apply for a refund?
The customer service has been absent and i keep getting held on the phone. 

Hi @srabtuks welcome to our community! Did you follow the steps on

Hi Thomas, 
Thank you for the response. 
Yes, i did report my emigration and filled the same form that you have linked to. Because i did not receive any response, i filled it twice. No action was taken.



Ah okay, great! I Can't actually cancel the subscription myself but I could take a look at your file and see what the status is. Could you fill in your profile and let me know?

Hi Thomas,
Thank you for looking into this. 
I can also send you the proof of my earliest application that i had initiated on 18th June.


Thanks for your information @srabtuks, I see today a cancellation was processed but it's not due to the emigration. This cancellation will take effect in one month on 21-09 and is because the new tennant got a a new contract. 

This means the cancellation due to your emigration has not been processed, I don't see it in your file either. In this case I recommend you send an email to, please include the following:

  • Proof of deregistration from the municipality or your employment contract abroad or a statement from your study institution abroad

  • Your customer number

  • Your contact details

My colleagues can put the cancellation date on your emigration date or manually reimburse you for that period 



You can find more information on cancelling when emigrating on

Dear Thomas, 

Thank you very much for providing this information. 
Yes, my original request was not processed. 
I could not reach a representative on the phone line either. 
So i urgently reapplied after i saw that i am still being charged for the subscription.
I hope this works out and i can get a refund.
Thank you for your help.


