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I am really frustrated by this. I made a switch to T-Mobile Huis after many years with KPN. T-Mobile sent me their connection boxes and everything. However, I was repeatedly called by KPN. They made a better offer than T-Mobile. I decided to stay, returned the boxes from T-Mobile.

According to the offer, my new service with KPN would start right away on August 14th. My internet speed would double, and I would pay much less. 

Now, almost a full month later, many calls, waiting on the line, repeated promises, I am still charged the same as before, and no change in my internet speed. 

All I hear after each call that all is fixed now and I will get a confirmation within 5 days which never happens! My last call was yesterday. I told the gentlemen on the phone that I don’t want to hear that I need to wait another 5 days. He said that he understood, did his internal call as usual and came back to me saying that all is fixed. IT IS NOT!!!

KPN, will you please fix this?!


Hi @oztr

Thanks for your post at the KPN Forum. If the change still isn't completed, I'd like to see what I can do for you. In that case, could you fill in your details (name, date of birth and address) in your Forum profile and notify us when that has happened? Thanks. 

Dear Heine, 

Thanks a lot for the note. I finally got the change as of yesterday, which is good. I was also contacted by a customer service representative, was apologised for the mess-up, which was also nice. I appreciate that. One thing I pointed out, which might be good to mention here as well is the following:
KPN made me change my decision (so much so that I returned the devices sent by T-Mobile), with a promise: “We have a better deal, and it will start today”. But It only started 5,5 weeks after that, after many calls, waiting in the line, and repeated promises that all is fixed. To be fair, the people from customer service I talked to were all kind. However, a company the size of KPN should be accountable for its promises.
The last gentlemen on the phone offered to refund  for the lost 5,5 weeks (because I was still charged the higher amount that I was paying before instead of the better deal promised). I haven't received any confirmation on that but I trust whatever the mess-up in the system was corrected so that I get this refund without having to call several times again. I am honestly more interested in KPN staying true to its values and keeping its promise, more than the money I will get back. It is a matter of principle. 


Thanks for your response. I'm sorry to read it took so long, and too much of your time and effort, for the change to be completed. I can understand that this affects your confidence in KPN. Without details I can't make any promises, but a refund of the difference in monthly costs does seem fair. If this was already discussed and entered into the system, you can count on receiving it. This will be confirmed on your next or subsequent invoice.

In case of any further questions, feel free to ask. In that case, please fill in your details (name, date of birth and address) in your Forum profile as well. 


So one more month gone… I don't see the refund I was promised. Nor any confirmation email about it as -once more - promised by the customer service representative. Last month (as my first bill of the “updated” abonnement) I was charged a couple of euros less, so I assumed, this is how the refund will work (charging a few euros less every month until I get the full refund), it is not. Today, I saw that I was charged the normal amount.

Could you please please look at the case and solve for me. I would be grateful.


Thanks for your message. I'm sorry to read it hasn't been solved according to your opinion. I've checked this and 15 September and 21 September emails were sent to confirm the change.  I've sent them again, please check your e-mail and spam folder. 

I've checked the price of the subscription as well. You have a discount for 9 months. The new subscription and the corresponding discount starter later than discussed at first, however the discount is still valid for 9 months. I can credit the change in periode costs for the described 5 weeks, but this means the discount will end 5 weeks earlier and from then you will start paying the regular rate. The regular rate of your new subscription is (after the discount ended) € 57.50, while with the old subscription you paid € 55.40. For you it's a disadvantage when we would credit the difference now and you have to pay more later, why would you want this? 
