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After Migration of my Internet connection from Telfort to KPN this problem started. My Philips TV is doesn’t connect to WIFI as it was connecting before the WIFI. I always have to keep on trying to connect to WIFI, sometimes it connect within 5 min sometimes I have to keep on trying for 25min as well.

I contacted Philips TV engineer and they replaced the motherboard of the TV and still facing problem with WIFI connection. But If I try to connect to a mobile hostpost ( internet from non kpn provider) my TV connects properly.

I also have an XBOX connected to TV which connects fine but Netflix, Amazon, YouTube doesn’t connect directly from TV. Seems KPN is blocking something as I also changed my Experia V10 modem.

Everything was working fine with Telfort but with migration to KPN it all started to the problem lies with KPN. Also my WIFI range is also disturbed with the KPN.

My other smart devices are working fine and also all applications works fine on them.

I contacted KPN support and they ask me to check on forum as few users were having similar problem with other TV Brands as well.

Kindly suggest how to fix this. 

Thanks in advance !


Kind regards,


I also have same trouble after migration from Telfort to KPN. My Wifi signal has been degraded and my TV doesn’t connects to WIFI properly. I have also raised a question on forum for help. But seems KPN is blocking something and have different setup then Telfort which degraded the service. Kindly fix this soon.


Admin: moved to your own topic

This is the 3rd issue (including me) I found on forum with WIFI degradation after moving from Telfort to KPN. KPN has different setup then Telfort and the Connection was way more better with Telfort. KPN has to fix this issue.


Admin: moved to your own topic

Bedankt voor de gegevens, ik heb daarmee de verbinding nagekeken. Het signaal komt zo te zien goed aan op de Experia Box, maar het komt daarna dus niet goed aan op de tv-ontvangers. Ervaar je de verstoring op beide tv-ontvangers en is dit ook tegelijkertijd? De metingen die ik heb gedaan doen vermoeden dat het tussen de Experia Box en de tv-ontvangers speelt. Als het op een van beide ontvangers speelt kan het zijn dat het aan de kabel daar naartoe ligt. Zou je in dat geval de ontvangers eens kunnen ruilen van plek en kijken of het probleem met de ontvanger mee gaat, of dat het op dezelfde plek blijft?


Dear @Jasper Thanks for your reply. I have an XBOX connected to the TV which also connects to the KPN internet with WIFI and it is working fine without any issue and there is no cable connection but it only happens with the TV when trying to connect WIFI.

Over the weekend I installed Netflix, Amazon, YouTube on XBOX (with KPN WIFI) and from XBOX I can connect without any issue but when tried to connect directly with KPN WIFI doesn’t connects so seems KPN is blocking some traffic from TV but not from XBOX and other devices.

I was informed by the KPN Support on call last week about some software version mismatch can you please the notes under my account in the ticket raised so you have more information on this issue and can suggest.

This trouble started only after Migration to KPN, kindly check and update on next action.


Admin: moved to your own topic



Hi @SandeepK . Welcome to the forum.

If you were migrated automatically from Telfort to KPN, your technical connection will not have changed for this was only an administrative action. So it could be a coincidense.

You only have a v10? And this is a replacement? Do you have acces to the router? Can you turn of 5ghz and only use 2,4? Maybe this wil work. 

@Erwin_ : Thanks for your reply.

  1. Going by your word as the migration was only an administrative action then I should also not have to change anything in my setup and the connection should work as it was working prior to migration and also my wifi signal range should also not have been affected which I see with other users as well which should not be just a coincidence with so many new KPN users migrated from Telfort.
  2. Yes, I have a V10 experia modem and on that I see no option to disable one of the 2 available wifi (2.4 and 5). Can you please assist me if there is any hidden option to bring it up and disable 5ghz?
  3. My TV does shows connected to the WIFI and also gets an IP address but there is a RED Cross after Router and Cloud (ISP) when I check the network connection which states the TV does connect to the WIFI but the traffic is not going beyond the modem to the ISP. But the same traffic ( netflix, youtube, PrimeVideo) goes via XBOX. So for some reason KPN allows traffic from other devices like xbox, mobile, laptop, but not from the Philips TV and for this KPN phone Tech Support informed me that there is a problem with the KPN modem software and the Philips TV, one or the other is not accepting the latest software. And KPN users with SONY brand TV has also experience the same issue. If this is true, can you give me this in writing so I can escalate this with Philips and stop following up with KPN since Philips technician has already changed the motherboard of TV which he says is max they can do with TV?
  4. fyi, I can connect my TV with mobile data (non kpn)  as a hotspot quickly which even was tested after TV motherboard was replaced so I don’t think this is with the TV but its specific with the KPN setup blocking traffic from Philip TV. I would appreciate if I have someone from KPN Tech support to debug this issue.

The v10 should work fine with most hardware. There are always exceptions but its hard for me to make conclusive statements about that.

Does your tv have the latest firmware? 

You can log into your modem by: (leave the password empty and you will be prompted to make a new one). In the wifi settings tab you can experiment with diffrent features.

@Erwin_ Thanks for your email. 

  1. regarding the non-support of firmware was shared by KPN Phone Tech Support so if you can check internally or maybe if you have access to my account can see with whom I spoke I guess on Jan-2-2021 and the same engg suggested me to put my issue in forum as well. 
  2. Yes, the TV has the latest firmware. The TV engg after replacing the motherboard also checked that.
  3. I have access to the modem and before replying on your suggestion earlier I do logged into the modem and search for the option you suggested but the V10 modem doesn’t have option to disable one of the wifi signal, see below.
  4. Even in the drop down I don’t see any option to turn it off only can select the channel and both the configurations are same unlike other modems were we can select one of the signal. 

  5. Can you share your opinion on the traffic not going beyond modem but getting IP address every time connected to WIFI? 
  6. Also why nobody from KPN is ready to debug this issue with me and always I have to follow up for a solution and keep on asking for troubleshooting. Also I was offered a call back in 72 hours last week which I didn’t receive yet, do you have any escalation address where I can report this issue ?





There should be an option te rename the 2,4 and 5Ghz networks . That way you can try to connect ot either and experiment. 

Can you fill out your profile and give me a heads up? I will try to look up who you have spoken to before. 


  1. I don’t see any option to rename but I will try on internet to search for any documentation if available to change it.
  2. I filled my profile as requested and now you can see my account details.
  3. I finish up a call again with KPN Phone Tech support and again I was disappointed that no one responded to my request for call back. The KPN engg did suggested to try with another modem this time with v12 and have placed request for it. But I am still not sure if that will solve the problem as no one from KPN is interested to find the root cause of the issue and just trying trial and error method which is not good.
  4. I hope you find something on this so atleast we can help other users with same problem. Thanks for your followup so far, will wait to hear back from you on your findings.

If there is a communication problem between your tv and our experiabox there won't  be an instant fix. This can only be resolved by a firmware update and those are only done periodically. So there won't be an individual troubleshooting if this is the matter. 

I can send you a  set of wifi versterkers.  This hardware needs to be connected to your v10 and will take over the wifi signal completly. Perhaps your tv will contect to this new signal? 

Let me know if you wanna try this. 



  1. Can you suggest few reasons for the Communication problem between the TV and the Experia BOX since the same set ( TV and Experia box ) was working for more than 2 years.
  2. As I updated you in my previous response, TV does get IP address from the modem but The traffic doesn’t actually go through and fro to ISP so does it really sounds like a communication problem even though TV is getting IP address from modem?
  3. What type of wifi versterkers ( I guess you mean wifi repeater / amplifier ) you suggest? I would really not like to pay extra for anything that was working before and its not working now due to ISP change and also I tried replacing motherboard of the TV. Hope you understand.
  4. Were you able to find out information on the firmware mismatch KPN tech support share with me on call earlier this year so I can share with the Philips team with your findings if you think its TV issue? My Philips TV model number is 65PUS6703/12.
  5. Is there anything you can think of to debug this issue to see where the traffic is blocked from TV?

There hasn't been an update for the v10 in months. I have checked and your line is stil the same as before. Nothing changed. The switch from Telfort is only administration.

Only when you do a speed upgrade/downgrade now, your line will switch to KPN technology.  So, I don't think this issue is caused by KPN. 

The versterkers need to be connected with a cable and are free of charge. It's worth a try. 


@Erwin_ : 

  1. I can agree to what you say but for me the problem started only after migration then for me thats the starting point of the issue because my wifi range also was degraded and in forum I found similar issues with other users too which I don’t think can be coincidence
  2. You can send me the repeater if its free and I can give a try but I don’t think that will make difference, please let me know when you initiated the dispatch request.
  3. Can you or somebody else in the team prove its not KPN issue? since we haven’t done any debugging even after requesting so many times and you came to conclusion its not KPN issue. I need my problem to be fixed and I already requested you give me some reason that I can take with Philips team to tell them its not KPN issue and its their issue until then its KPN issue for me as Philips team has already clear their side but from KPN nobody is ready to debug to find traffic is blocked. Kindly suggest how you think we should troubleshoot more on this ?
  4. Requesting you to let me know how to escalate the issue as phone support don’t even give me a ticket number but always keep saying they sent message to some team and I never heard from anyone in KPN.

When you hook up the versterkers you get different hardware in charge of your wifi. (the v10 doesn't play a roll in this)   If your TV still has issues with this signal, that will be an indicator there's something wrong with the tv.

If it's connecting perfectly we have a legitmate issue with the v10 in combination with your brand and type of tv.  All I can do then is report this to our engingeers and it wil be added to bug list. 

It's likely they wil try to recreate this issue in their lab and hopefully fix it. Sometimes they wil involve the customer in this proces but that decision is out of my hands.

Lets first try and hook up your tv to the new wifi device and see what the result is. 

I will send you the hardware as soon as possible. You will receive an SMS. 



Good morning !

  1. The repeater which I am aware of is repeating / boosting the wifi signal to extend the range of the wifi, but this hardware doesn’t sounds like boosting signal rather taking over wifi as a replacement for the v10, which means this is not a repeater and another wifi device, please correct me if I am wrong.
  2. I would be happy to help the team to identify the root cause of this issue which I am requesting everytime.
  3. I get an SMS from KPN for a dispatch, I will let you know once I received the hardware.
  4. Please see below screenshot from the TV which shows the connection from the TV to the modem is good but the connection beyond the modem towards ISP is not good even I am getting IP address.
  5. One more thing when you say the wifi will be taken over by this new hardware do you also mean this device has intelligence to block or allow IP traffic or the traffic still goes via the v10 as DSL line is connected to it ? In the later scenario, I think to completely rule out the v10 issue there should be no v10 box at all if you are considering the V10 issue which I dont think so since I am using v10 from Day 1 of my Internet connection with the same TV with WIFI. 
  6. Lets hope the new hardware will fix this issue.

This is not a boosting solution and this is also absolutly not what we want. 

These devices need to be connected to your V10 (cable is mandatory) and wil completely take over the wifi function. So they wil become the wifi router and bypassing the v10's wifi.

Let wait and see what it wil do. 

Here's a link to what kind of device it is:



Good morning !

  1. I picked up the package sent by you, Thanks for dispatching 2 Experia WIFI
  2. I thought when you said you checked my line you also might have checked my account details and you would have noticed that I already have this one black wifi from almost a year now and everything was working with the combination ( v10+ wifi box + TV)
  3. To be honest, when I started using the wifi box, the wifi settings on the v10 box was still on and also I see Blue light on wifi box and only when I started calling KPN support after migration I came to know that the wifi box should take over the wifi and the wifi light should be off on v10 but for me the same setting was working for months that too with good wifi range.
  4. The link you shared me yesterday says “Turns off the WiFi fully automatically on your V8, V9 or V10 Experiabox” which was not true earlier, as well as with the new wifi box I connected yesterday. I still have wifi light on v10 also blue light on the wifi box so not sure if the setup is still good as per KPN standard as its doesn’t took over automatically.
  5. Even after having a wifi box connected to v10 ( with wifi light on on v10) I was still having the same issue, at night I was trying to connect and still shows not connected with status not connected between modem and ISP but good connection between TV and modem (same pic status as shared earlier)
  6. As can be seen from the above pic, the connection from TV and modem is established but TV is not connecting to ISP. 
  7. Kindly suggest how should we proceed further on this issue ?

Can you log in to your v10 (  en check the wifi settings of the v10? Is it turned off there? If not, can you turn if off in the webinterface?



i shall save you :sunglasses:


go to your settings of your tv and find a total reset.  “fabrieksinstellingen” “hard reset “

this is a tv problem en not kpn :D 



  1. As advised I logged into the modem and disabled WIFI and there was no wifi with my SSID listed while searching for available network . I tried restarting the wifi box but still there was nothing by my SSID, see pic I captured for you with the v10 lights, wifi box lights and modem wifi page. Please download and zoom the pic to see clearly.
  2. So now I enabled back WIFI on v10 and I can see the network SSID and I am connected through it.
  3. When I reached out the TV support team last year for this problem the very first thing they asked me to do was Factory reset followed by reinstallation of the settings, which I have did many times but still there was a problem so then they have replaced the TV motherboard but still this I am facing same problem TV connects to the modem by no traffic going beyond the modem so can’t connect to the Internet and have to keep on trying to connect. 
  4. Kindly suggest what else would you like me to try to isolate the issue.

Leave the wifi on the v10 off. 

Connect one EW to the experiabox and do a reset (push the reset button 10 seconds or more until you see the lights change)

The EW will now retreive wifi SSID from a central point on our servers. Most likely the same SSID as that in your V10 but if you changed that in the past it might retreive a diffrent SSID.


Download the app to see what kind of SSID your EW is transmitting:

and connect with that SSID. 



@Erwin_ :

  1. I followed your steps and now the EW is connected to the WIFI. After manual disabling the WIFI from V10 the EW had to be restarted 2 times and then it flashes first to Yellow stable then it went back to Orange flashing and then back to Green stable as if it was trying to get info from server and restarted the EW by itself in between.
  2. One observation I would like to share with you which I also shared with the KPN Technician who visited back then and the KPN technician suggested me to reach out to KPN backoffice which was denied to me you can see that in the chat history under my account.
  3. From the above screenshot you can see my wifi is gone from v10 and I have all connected with LAN (EW connected to V10 via LAN) and the list of devices shows under LAN settings. This list keep on growing and doesn’t clear by its own even after hard reset the list grows and sometimes I have to scroll down to see complete list. Is this normal behaviour? How to clear this IP list from LAN settings as it appears all devices are connected and there is no room for extra device to connect as most of the IP’s are occupied already ?
  4. I did the EW setup but didn’t had a chance to check the TV reception which I will do in the evening after my office hours and will update you if that makes any difference now. Is there a way I can share you a video of sequence while I do as in this forum I don’t see any option to attach video, and I dont think I can have a screen sharing with you so I can show you the setup and the actual issue between the KPN internet and my Philips TV.


  1. Its same behaviour even with the EW with same screenshot showing no connection between modem and the ISP as I shared with you earlier. 
  2. I have to try to connect and after few min the connection was UP / GREEN and I was able to connect.
  3. fyi, In modem under the LAN setting the list is increasing and I have to scroll down to see complete. list which I pasted above, is this normal behaviour ?
  4. Please suggest what else can be done to fix the original issue between the KPN connection and the Philips TV.

OKay. So now you have the EW's running and your tv still won't connect? This is a major indication the issue is with your TV since the wifi from the EW is from completly diffrent hardware than the v10.

I don't think the associated devices list is an issue. Sometimes it remembers old connections but that should not be of any impact to your actual connections. 

Have you ever tried connection the tv through a cable?


My advice would be: contact the supportdesk of your tv and inform them that you've tried  hooking up your tv to diffrent routers  without succes. 


Good morning !

  1. I don’t have that long cable to run from the modem to the TV instead I have to shift my TV close to modem to connect with the 1.5 m cable. I will try that and will update you.
  2. Whenever I can’t connect my TV with the KPN wifi but same time if I connect it to the mobile data using Hotspot it connects rightaway no issue in it only problem connecting KPN WIFI so it doesn’t sounds TV issue as if we go with the Troubleshooting principal the only last change was made by KPN ( migration) and not by Philips TV and I am  not sure what actual changes were made but thats when the problem has started.
  3. I first have to rule out KPN end since I have already done follow up with the TV support and got motherboard replaced but still same problem. 
  4. I will update you on the direct connection between Modem and TV, give me some time. Thanks for your prompt reply and time troubleshooting on my issue.