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After Migration of my Internet connection from Telfort to KPN this problem started. My Philips TV is doesn’t connect to WIFI as it was connecting before the WIFI. I always have to keep on trying to connect to WIFI, sometimes it connect within 5 min sometimes I have to keep on trying for 25min as well.

I contacted Philips TV engineer and they replaced the motherboard of the TV and still facing problem with WIFI connection. But If I try to connect to a mobile hostpost ( internet from non kpn provider) my TV connects properly.

I also have an XBOX connected to TV which connects fine but Netflix, Amazon, YouTube doesn’t connect directly from TV. Seems KPN is blocking something as I also changed my Experia V10 modem.

Everything was working fine with Telfort but with migration to KPN it all started to the problem lies with KPN. Also my WIFI range is also disturbed with the KPN.

My other smart devices are working fine and also all applications works fine on them.

I contacted KPN support and they ask me to check on forum as few users were having similar problem with other TV Brands as well.

Kindly suggest how to fix this. 

Thanks in advance !


Kind regards,


I can send you a 10 meter cable (free of charge).


@Erwin_  That would be nice of you !

@Erwin_  That would be nice of you !

done :-)


  • Thanks for dispatching the Cable, I received yesterday evening
  • I connected the TV & the modem with the cable you sent and left it overnight with WIFI OFF On the TV and today morning when I started TV I get the same status what I get with WIFI showing no connection between modem and the ISP but TV getting IP from modem. see pic below


  • I have to attempt to connect to wired connection and got connected on second attempt. 
  • I will monitor the wired setup for 24-48 hours more and will update you in the meanwhile with the above observation if you can find something internally do share with me. 
  • Have a nice day !


It’s the same behaviour even with the wired connection. My TV doesn’t connects to the KPN Internet even with the cable but it does connect to the modem and shows the IP address and shows disconnection between the modem and the ISP and I have to keep on trying to connect like just now I already tried 5 times. Even I tried to cast youtube from my mobile and TV tries to connect to internet but doesn’t get through though gets the IP from modem.

So it’s with both WIFI and Wired connection TV traffic not going beyond modem towards ISP, kindly suggest next step what else we can try ?

@SandeepK . My best guess is that it's your tv.  Have you informed their helpdesk about not beeing able to connect with a cable? 

Another thing we can try:

The experia wifi (versterker) has two network ports. Have you tried connecting the cable through that output? (while its connected to the experiabox, of course)


  1. Last time I spoke with the TV engineer who visited, he informed he already replaced the motherboard thats the best can be done for TV and the same engineer also connected the TV with his mobile Data network as a hotspot and it worked.
  2. The only thing changed was at KPN end and nothing from Philips so also this sounds more of a KPN issue. As requested I will try to reach out to the Philips TV team but also would like to request you to share this with your internal engg team to test in lab . Also is it possible to restore my account to back as it was before migration?
  3. I will try connecting the cable on other port of EW but I am sure, this will not make any difference.

@Erwin_ : See below update from the Philips Team,



Dear Mr. Sandeep,


Thank you for your email,

How annoying that you are having problems with your wifi again.


We see in the system that you have previously contacted us about the same problem. We then indicated that the defect probably lies with KPN and not with the television. At the time, you wanted a home repair from us, with the final outcome that the defect was at KPN.


I therefore advise you to contact KPN again and have it sorted out properly.

If you still want us to initiate a home repair for you, that's no problem. But if this defect is nevertheless caused by KPN, you may receive an invoice from my colleagues for the repair because the defect is not caused by the television.


We would like to hear from you if you still want to initiate the home repair.



If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us via the contact details stated below or by replying on this email.

We are happy to help you.


With kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,



Consumer Care Employee

Philips Myshop Benelux



  • Kindly suggest if you still want me to ask for home repair from Philips team as I know they will try to connect to some other ISP  (preferably with mobile data) and TV will connect right away?
  • If so, then they will send me the invoice. Can you confirm will KPN takes responsibility of this invoice ?
  • Also what other Troubleshooting steps do you wish me to try as with both WIFI and CABLE having problem connecting to Philips TV rightaway and this all was working till the last changes done at KPN end ?





You could try a KPN engineer. But the same goes for our service:

If you order a KPN mechanic and he/she concludes the fault lies with your tv, there wil be costs too. 

All I can say is that it looks like an issue with the tv but I can't be sure. 


  1. I understand the process you are explaining but the reason I asked KPN to own the invoice is,  from KPN end you are still not able to isolate the issue as with both (WIFI and Wired) my TV  is having trouble with the connection and There has been no troubleshooting on the traffic blocked by KPN even after showing evidence that the connection between the TV and modem is good (TV gets IP from modem) but modem is not passing to ISP.
  1. Even if you says it’s a TV issue, can you suggest what else would you like to do with the TV as the complete motherboard has been replaced which I think is equivalent to a new TV.
  2. I am not the only one facing issue after the Transition to KPN from Telfort see below links for your reference:



  1. Also for me, this all trouble started only after the migration to KPN, so for me its KPN since thats the only part was changed when this issue started.
  2. As you mentioned in your earlier updates, have you asked your engineer to replicate in the Lab ? if so what is the progress?
  3. We have been only troubleshooting at the Hardware level, can you also check from backend what exactly happening with the connection. My son is trying to connect to TV from 15min  now still can’t connect though I see IP assigned to it and finally I have to give him mobile which is not good. 
  4. Kindly suggest how will you isolate the traffic issue been raised by the TV engineer so I can go back to them ?



We are sending a basic internet signal to your home. We are not allowed to tamper with this signal. You are able to use the internet in every other way.

Your TV does't want to connect to the wifi signal.  Then we tried connecting with a cable. Again your tv doesn't want to connect. 

Keep in mind that these are two completely different ways of connecting to the internet signal. 

You are (as far as I know) the only person reporting this specific issue. My best guess is: Your tv is the culprit. Am I sure of this? No.

What can I do for you at this point? Not much since everything points at your tv.  What can you do? You can try and order a mechanic.

If he/she can confirm this is an  issue with our network , the his visit wil be free of charge. If not, you wil have to pay. 

I'm afraid I dont have much more to add. If you want the mechanic you can order through this website:




  1. The TV does make connection with the modem and gets IP address both with WIFI and Wired but the traffic doesn’t pass through the modem. I already shared evidence with you with screenshot of IP assignment and other srceenshot of disconnection between modem and ISP, so how this could be TV issue for connection beyond modem ? If you can clear this point and isolate the issue with TV I will follow up with the TV team.
  2. Do you know or can you suggest what troubleshooting the mechanic has to do when he is on site so I know we are doing different things which we haven’t tried yet or else sending a mechanic is of no use.
  3. I shared 2 examples from KPN forum of user complaining issues only after transitioning from Telfort to KPN but still you are saying I am the only one having trouble :) 
  4. What are your thoughts on the TV connecting to other ISP (mobile data as Hotspot) without any struggle but with KPN have to attempt ?

Point 4 is a mystery to me. 

Like I said. I really don't know what is causing this. All I can say is that we have tried multiple routers (the experiabox and the EW ) and different ways of connection (cable and wifi). All unsuccessful. What remains, is something in the signal itself. What? I  have no clue because we only forward the basic internet signal to your home. We are not even allowed to tamper with the internet signal. 

Other wireless and wired applications work fine in your home, yes? So there's is not really any evidence there's something wrong with the signal we provide. Like I said: I can never be 100% sure about these statements. If you order a mechanic he/she will probably try another router.  It's very likely that this will not fix the problem but maybe it's worth a shot.

Otherwise, maybe take your tv to a friend/family member who preferably has a KPN connection and try to hook it up there. That would give us more insight and could possibly indicate that there's an issue with the signal itself. 


  1. I am also not saying there is anything wrong with the signal you provide but the evidence which I shared points out that the KPN service for some reason is blocking Philips TV traffic and allowing all other.
  2. I was also thinking on an alternate solution but I have a 65 inch TV which is little difficult to carry to someones house to verify & I dont have any friend or colleague who has a wifi Internet dongle which I can connect to my TV to try with Some other ISP.
  3. If you are try to say that you are exhausted with the troubleshooting and want to close this conversation without a solution then I dont have any option
  4. but still for me the issue has not been isolated completely by KPN as I already shared evidence my TV connects to KPN modem but traffic doesn’t go beyond that when connecting and have to reattempt which was not the case till whatever changes was done at KPN end. 
  5. Let me know how would you like to proceed with this issue and Thanks for all your time and help in troubleshooting the issue with me.


I have fixed a TV technician visit again next week Friday, Kindly let me know what troubleshooting w.r.t. TV you want me to ask TV technician to perform.

Well. Make a synopsis of this topic and what we have discussed. Make it evident that you can connect to the hotspot and ask for an explanation.





Even in previous Tech visit I asked the explanation and the tech connected with this Mobile Data and TV was connected right away and he started claiming its Internet issue where in Service Provider blocks the traffic and I am here with you.

Hence asking you if there is any specific thing you want the tech to try or will you or some technician from KPN will be available the time I have TV technician so it will be easy for troubleshooting.

Your issue is pretty unusual and like I said. 

What we didn't try is altering te DNS.  (the system that translates ip adresses ). In the box12 is it possible for you to change the KPN DNS into (for example) google DNS?

8.8. 8.8 and

It's worth a shot.  After you've changed the DNS please reboot the box12

@Erwin_ : As advised I updated the DNS with one of the google DNS as V12 has only option for primary DNS. see below screenshot.

I will monitor this for a day or 2 and will update you.



@Erwin_ : The Google DNS doesn’t made any changes, still I have to attempt to connect to the Internet.

fyi, today I received call from TV technician and have the visit pre-pone and they are coming tomorrow morning before 10AM instead of Friday. 

I will update you tomorrow on the Tech visit


The TV Technician visited again this morning and again he changed the Motherboard of the TV which he says that rule out TV and nothing other than this he can think of or can do with the TV as this is same as new TV now again.

I will monitor the behaviour with the new motherboard and will update you.

@Erwin_ : I checked over weekend with the WIFI and everyday when connecting TV for first time I am still asked to connect to the Internet for each application like  NetFlix, YouTube, AmazonPrime which sometime took 2nd attempt as well.

I will try with the Wired connection now and will update you.

Note: I am still using Google DNS in Exp box



Its been a week I am monitoring and there is no change in the Wireless connection of TV with the Experia Router, still I have to keep on trying to connect. But the things have improved for Wired connection I would say not completely but yes a little. 

With Wired for each application first time I need to connect each day and reattempt is less, also with wired now few times in the day If I connect again to internet on TV it connects right away but again its not always.

So far we have done almost all troubleshooting related to hardware modem, wifi repeater, cable, 3 TV mother boards (which is equal to new TV) but still no luck only thing left is changing the Internet Connection and as I have updated earlier due to 65” TV its hard for me to take this TV anywhere but with mobile data I can connect right away. Also the Experia box I have on that KPN has disabled lot of features and also I cant select different bands (2.4ghz & 5ghz) for different devices.

Let me know if there is anything else which you would like me to try or I am thinking of moving my contract as KPN internet is not working for me since day 1 though it was working when it was Telfort.


I'm afraid my bag of tricks is empty. :-(  Before you make the switch to another provider I would make sure the tv works on another internet connection. 

@Erwin_ :

The TV technician informed replacing motherboard of the TV is equal to a brand new TV itself and its happening with all 3 motherboard its not possible realistic unless the product itself is a faulty. But at the same time the TV does connect to the Wifi of mobile data so to your question, yes, tv works on another wifi connection except for KPN on first attempt.

As already updated, this was working before for more than a year and was impacted only after migration and also during conversation with support I found KPN has disabled few features in the Experia modem so I am sure its with the KPN changes this is impacted.

Also to what you suggested for band changes ( 2.4 and 5 ghz) this option is disabled on EX v10 and I was informed that support will send v12 but that was cancelled later, may be the v12 might have that option which can be tried. But now switching to another provider will make it clear. I was informed that I will have the kpn email for 6 months so hopefully I will have access to this KPN forum as well so I can update you with a weeks observation on the connection with new provider, though they are using KPN infra but I see they have diff setup than KPN. Will keep you posted on this.

Thanks for all your time and assistance to help me to fix my issue but unfortunately we were not able to resolve it.