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Since today league of legends give me MS or 50 but overall my experience in this game is 10-20 MS,

So i contact league support and they tell me something is broken between ISP and servers of the game and i should contact my ISP.When i contact my ISP they say to me they can't do anything about cause they can't understand the problem ! internet connection is good nothing is change and i only have problem with specific game.Fro league they give me their IP but still in KPN they dint know what to do with them, i did reset router restart computer everything works fine in all games browsing exept League of Legends!
Exactly the same here. I used to have somewhere around the 20 to 30 ms ping. Now it's reliably a 59 to 68 ms ping.

For troubleshooting I went a tad different. Once started I quickly pinged google's DNS to see whether or not there's something terribly wrong on my end. I quickly found out that those were stable 10 to 11 ms pings. Further utilizing the troubleshooting powers of pings and tracerts I would check to see what happens if I'm using a program called WinMTR to ping a different kind of server, namely Heroes of The Storm's server. I would find a stable 30 ms ping, which I used to have for League of Legends as well.

Now interestingly enough, using an IP that Riot Games (the company of League of Legends) gave I would find that, with an okay 6% packet loss, the results there are immensely different. These range from 59 to 68 ms, just like the game itself shows when I am playing.

Eliminating all other, possible, sources like the firewall and utilizing the flushdns command would do nothing to the increased ping. As well as eliminating other bandwidth utilizing programs. That makes me believe it's on KPN's end and the fact that this user had the same issue reinstates that belief.

It'd be cool if there's some clarification here, 30 ms and 60 ms is very noticeable and the sooner it's solved the better.

I do have to acknowledge that I know that other ISPs, and possibly KPN as well, had similar problems in the past with having optimal routes to game servers, but given that fact I would think such huge ping spikes were probably already ironed out in past conversations between said companies makes such ping spikes very odd in any case.
If you're searching for similar problems on the League of Legends forums you'll find this link They've already found out that the connection between KPN and the datacenter, that Riot Games uses, is very icky.

For the time being you can use a VPN, which has been recommended by support of Riot Games in the past.

I installed WTFast and saw a decrease of 31 ms. Now the most odd thing is that I used to get around 30 to 33 ms ping. Using WTFast made it 27 ms, which to me seems very odd... In anyway, it's a quick fix but not a permanent one due to the fact that WTFast is a premium product thus meaning you'll eventually have to pay for it (or not if you keep making trial accounts I assume).

KPN, what's up with that horrible routing between you and's datacenter in Frankfurt?

Sinds een week is mijn ping tijdens de game LOL. van van 24 naar steady 65 gegaan.

buiten de game is er niks aan de hand. Ik heb op diverse forums al gelezen dat meer mensen hier last van hebben.

Ik heb de technische service van LOL gesproken. Deze hebben mij de pingplotter analyse laten doen. Hieruit blijkt dat de verbinding (route) niet meer direct tot stand komt met de volgende ping adressen: en https://tel:162249.72.1 . ( dit zijn de LOL servers)

Dit zijn de resultaten van de ping plotter: &

Kunnen jullie deze weer rerouten?

Admin: bericht samengevoegd met lopend topic
I have also been noticing my ping has gone up by 30-35 yesterday night. I have also tried resetting my router, using custom dns servers etc. It is not in our hands to fix this issue but in yours KPN. Please collaborate with Riot and fix this problem.
If you're searching for similar problems on the League of Legends forums you'll find this link They've already found out that the connection between KPN and the datacenter, that Riot Games uses, is very icky.

For the time being you can use a VPN, which has been recommended by support of Riot Games in the past.

I installed WTFast and saw a decrease of 31 ms. Now the most odd thing is that I used to get around 30 to 33 ms ping. Using WTFast made it 27 ms, which to me seems very odd... In anyway, it's a quick fix but not a permanent one due to the fact that WTFast is a premium product thus meaning you'll eventually have to pay for it (or not if you keep making trial accounts I assume).

KPN, what's up with that horrible routing between you and's datacenter in Frankfurt?

When I started playing LoL I used to have 15-17 ms, this was around 3-4 years ago. Lately I had a ping of 24 but with the current problem we're experiencing my ping went up to 54 ms.

I am now using WTFast for the time being this gets fixed, quite suprised my ping went back to 15!
Same issue here. Was succesful in reducing the ping back to 19ms by using a VPN to reach the servers. Would love to see this issue resolved.
Hi guys, welkom!

Mart, ik heb je bericht samengevoegd met dit topic omdat het over hetzelfde gaat.

Ik heb het draadje op het leagueforum ook doorgenomen. Het lijkt inderdaad duidelijk dat er iets aan de hand is op weg naar dat datacentrum in Frankfurt. Maar om dat hier nagekeken te krijgen heb ik meer informatie nodig. Dus, voor jullie allemaal geld:

  • vul je forumprofiel
  • doe traceroutes/pingplotters en plaats de resultaten hier

Dan kan ik laten nakijken of dit iets is waar wij wat aan kunnen doen.

For those among you who might not speak Dutch (at all, or well enough):

I can have this looked at, but I need more data. So fill in forum profile and post traceroutes/pingplotters.
Precies hetzelfde probleem als anderen, sinds gisteren last van normaal 20-21 ping nu 50-60 ping!



Ik heb dezelfde problemen als hierboven al vermeld. Ook ik heb contact gehad met de customer service van Riot en die kunnen het probleem ook maar lastig achter halen.

Hier nog een paar screens:
Ik gebruik telfort internet wat via het netwerk van kpn gaat, denk ik? Maar ik heb hetzelfde probleem, van 18 ping naar 50. Het begon gisteren met dit probleem. Heb alles geprobeerd maar niks lukte tot nu toe.
Precies het zelfde ping van 20 naar 50 sinds gisteren
UPDATE half uurtje geleden:

Ik zat league te spelen, ik werd uit het niets gedisconnect, kon na 10 seconden reconnecten en het probleem was weg, zit nu weer op 19 ms. 😃
De ping is wel weer beter maar nog niet helemaal goed bij mij. Normaal heb ik 11-12 en nu zit die op 19.
ja, ping is wat beter maar nog steeds niet optimaal.
Dank voor de screenshots. Goed om te horen dat de ping al wel weer iets beter is. Ik ga nog wel even navraag doen hierover. Ik kom er op terug.
Goedemorgen, ik heb een antwoord voor jullie :)

We waren hier inderdaad al met Riot over in gesprek. Het probleem is nu (grotendeels) opgelost. De laatste loodjes worden hopelijk vandaag verholpen in samenwerking met Riot. Het bleek dat een derde partij een configuratiefout had waardoor er een routeleak ontstond. Hierdoor werd het verkeer van ons naar Riot via die partij gerouteerd en ontstond er een hogere latency. Omdat het (voor ons) om relatief heel weinig verkeer ging, viel dit niet direct op. Nadat Riot contact had opgenomen met ons zijn we erachter gekomen. We zijn nu ook met Riot in gesprek hoe we dit in de toekomst kunnen voorkomen.