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Zonder grapjes, dit kan via eerste keer zonder wachtwoord en als een monteur hem heeft ingesteld is het "kpn", "admin", of "1234".

I just got the service yesterday. None of these worked for me ..! Is the technician allowed to change it to another password.


*Admin: afgesplitst en eigen topic voor je vraag aangemaakt

Hi @WaleedAlhumaikani, when logging in for the first time, the technician (or anybody else for that matter) is forced to change the password. However, he/she should have told you the new password.

Which Experia Box do you have?

Hi @WaleedAlhumaikani, when logging in for the first time, the technician (or anybody else for that matter) is forced to change the password. However, he/she should have told you the new password.

Which Experia Box do you have?

Well .. Obviously the device I got is different (Experia Box v10A). It has a white sticker in the back with access credentials. Now I’m able to access it after I executed factory reset and used the passwords in the back.


Thank you @RBxx for your response :)

Yes, that's why I asked which one.

The v10A is the only one with the credentials on the back. The other (older) ones have an empty password after a factory reset and the obligation to change it when logging in for the first time.

Hello @WaleedAlhumaikani, welcome! I'm glad eventhing worked out. Thanks @RBxx