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Hello, I recently moved from odido to the KPN provider - 4Gbit connection.

I have a problem with upload speed; is below 1 Gbit (700-800 Mbps)

Testspeed measured over several days at different times.

Results similar to the following…

KPN box 14 firmware updated to the latest version

ONT - genexis

Should I make an appointment with a technician?




The latest software of the v14 box contains in the web interface a possibility to do a speedtest. Do you see the same low value coming in the upload part over there?

The latest software of the v14 box contains in the web interface a possibility to do a speedtest. Do you see the same low value coming in the upload part over there?

well, no…

shows good values



Could the cable be a problem?

v14 box is connected to the ONT with the cat 6 cable


Could the cable be a problem?

v14 box is connected to the ONT with the cat 6 cable

Check if you have Port Scan Protection enabled on your firewall, if so then disable it.
Screenshot is just an example. 


I dont have anywhere “port scan protection” enabled…

Any more advice?

Can you test the speed with the app on your pc ?
Also, temporarily disable your firewall when you let the test running.


Can you test the speed with the app on your pc ?
Also, temporarily disable your firewall when you let the test running.


nothing changed…. the same results



If you have Windows 11, what says the network info ?


didnt update yet to win 11

network card says 5000/5000



Then I have no idea, you will have to wait for someone else who might know more.




Should I make an appointment with a technician?



Please don’t, when we come by we check the speed on the modem. If that is correct we can prove that everything on our side is good and will send an invoice of €75 and wish you a happy day.

Hi @babka and welcome to our KPN Community! 

Odd that the Box 14 shows the correct speed but the speedtests don't. 😕 

My advice would be to go through all our tips for when your glass fiber speed is too low. I've put the page through Google Translate for you, so it should be in English. 
Hopefully one of those tips has the solution. 🤞

Hi @babka and welcome to our KPN Community! 

Odd that the Box 14 shows the correct speed but the speedtests don't. 😕 

My advice would be to go through all our tips for when your glass fiber speed is too low. I've put the page through Google Translate for you, so it should be in English. 
Hopefully one of those tips has the solution. 🤞

I've read this before..

activities described there have been made before i post this thread


I'll just add that KPN box v14 ( 1st POWER icon sometimes it switches from green to orange and returns to green light)


Hmm, that change in the light could indicate that the power supply isn't working properly. You could try checking whethet the power adapter is connected well to the router and to the electric outlet. 

However that still wouldn't explain why the upload is so different. Have you also tried turning off any other devices that are using the internet and then running a speedtest? Specifically these:

If you want to do the extensive tests, download the Ookla Speedtest app for your computer:

WindowsApp | MacOS App

I'm curious if the results differ then.

Hmm, that change in the light could indicate that the power supply isn't working properly. You could try checking whethet the power adapter is connected well to the router and to the electric outlet. 

However that still wouldn't explain why the upload is so different. Have you also tried turning off any other devices that are using the internet and then running a speedtest? Specifically these:

If you want to do the extensive tests, download the Ookla Speedtest app for your computer:

WindowsApp | MacOS App

I'm curious if the results differ then.

I had connected there router from odido before amd everything work properly without issue so is not fault of power supply lol

„best answer”???? 

this didn't solve my problem…

i had appointment with technican and he as well couldnt fix the issue so i have one more appointment with his „specialist” to take measurements outdoors… LOL


Hopefully the outdoor specialist will be able to solve this then @babka!

Hello, please remove best answer from my thread because it didnt help at all „Beste antwoord door Sanne van KPN”


ONT has been replaced for NOKIA and looks like issue is solved, i received correct DL and UP speed; also connection is stable without switching light…. All the time now is green but i will observe this for a few days

