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I buy subscription of internet. Technican came(20 of July)but can't finished the job.I want to make a new date of an appoitment ,but I can't becouse of some error on the page. Could someone help me?

Hi Buliatt, welcome here! Sorry to hear that the install could not be finished earlier. Please fil in your forum profile and reply here when you've done so. Please also give us a few preferred dates that a technician would be convenient for you. We can then asisst you in getting a new appointment.

Thank You for answer! I have already filled in my profile. As soon as possible of course, but  if I had to choose, the next whole week before 2pm would be the best.

Hi @buliatt . I'm having trouble to reschedule a mechanic.

Did you receive an SMS with a telephone number you can call from our backoffice?

Hello.Do you mean this one - 0800402?

Ah no that's our regular phone number. I've made a ticket for our backoffice to take a look at this issue and schedule an engineer for you. When they pick this up they will give you a call about this. They'll also send their own phone number with an acces code.
The backoffice strives to call you within three working days so that should be before thursday. Could you keep us updated on how it goes?

Thank you very much. Of course I could. 

So far, nothing has changed and nobody gave me a call.

Thanks for the update @buliatt, the ticket is still “open”. I've asked the backoffice for an update again. It seems their replyspeed is longer than usual. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You should hear from them soon.

Hi @buliatt, I don't have any new information yet. I've asked for another update on my end. I'll let you know when I get a response!

Hello, Thomas. So i will be waiting.I am looking forward to be finally connected...

Hello! I see you've spoken to my colleagues in the meantime :)  they planned the engineer on 19-08 between 12:00 and 14:00!
If you have any other questions you know where to find us!