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I received a letter two weeks ago, which mentioned that the mechanic will come to my house today to set up the fiber connection, and I also wrote an email to them to confirm this. But no one came to my house today, not even a knock on the door, I just waiting at home the whole morning like an idiot. I wrote an email again to ask what happened, and received the reply that they cannot find the cable. That's all information I got. However, I do have checked with KPN staffs, that the cable is just in front of my house! I send the email again but no response.

The whole thing is really a torture. I really cannot imagine I have waited for  almost half a year and still feeling hopeless. I hope someone can give me an answer.

Hi @RuiC and welcome to our forum.

I'm sorry to hear that you waited for an appointment that never showed. 😔 That's definitely not supposed to happen, and if they can't find the cable then the least they could do is let you know the appointment is moved or cancelled. 

On this forum we’re speaking as KPN the provider (for your subscriptions and services). When it comes to the glass fiber connection and the installation thereof, KPN Netwerk is responsible. It's a different company in charge of the fiber connections, so my advice is to contact them. 

Hopefully they'll be able to give you the information you need and the fiber connection will be done quickly!Â