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Hi, we’ve moved to the new apartment today and I’m having a hard time trying to find the socket to connect DSL modem. There is no fiber on this address yet. I’m attaching a photo of the meters room, any advice? As you can see I tried connecting WAN socket to the Ethernet plug, but it seem to be just connecting to Ethernet plug in living room. 

I was also trying to request an engineer using a chat/phone services, but didn’t get any response there :(


(it’s an old house but completely renovated, so no one has lived there after the renovation, could it be that some cables got lost in the process?)

@airatdev Welcome to our forum.

I saw that you already filled in your forum profile. 

Is it correct that you had contact with my colleagues and that a mechanic is coming? 

@Rutger_ thanks for getting back to me.

The mechanic visited us on Friday, but he also wasn’t able to find any cables/boxes in the meters room, so he left after arranging another appointment for Wednesday morning (June 😎 for digging the cable up. My only concern here is that unlike the first visit, I didn’t receive any email/sms with confirmation of date of the visit, so I’m not 100% sure if someone will come to us on Wednesday, or we will have another week without the Internet 😔 Is this something you can verify on your side?

P. S. Since digging would be required anyway, I suggested to go for fiber cable right away… 😅 In your postcode checker the whole street is connected to fiber except my apartment, which is listed as DSL only. While the apartment right above us has fiber, so the cable is most likely there, on the street. Fingers crossed.

I woke up earlier today to meet the mechanic but didn’t hear any bell rings. At 10AM I noticed there was a letter left from KPN in my mailbox, assuming I wasn’t home when they visited. But I was home all day, I was waiting for this visit all week! If mechanic came and wasn’t able to ring the door, why didn’t they call my phone?

Is possible that you escalate this asap and call the mechanic back before the end of the day please? This whole situation is becoming very frustrating, I’m living off a mobile internet for a 2nd week already, and I really don’t want to wait few more days for another uncertain visit.

I’ve waited since Friday for this visit and it’s super frustrating, especially knowing that mechanic was at my doorstep! Please call me the next time, you have my number, previous mechanic did that when he visited us.

It’s also not possible for me to get through the automatic Dutch phone system, same for the chat which always doesn’t have available consultants.

UPD: I was able to get in touch with customer support on the phone, but they weren’t able to bring the mechanic back or reschedule the appointment, due to some issues with ticket system and the fact the it was a 3rd party responsible for the mechanic visit, so they weren’t able to access that ticket. Now I need to wait for 1 or 2 more days for this 3rd party to call me back, so if I don’t pick that call (if I’m on a work meeting etc) then it’s another long delay. And then it’s going to be few more days for another mechanic visit (with no guarantees it will actually fix anything).

I can already see this nightmare lingering for multiple weeks or the whole summer because of one delay after another, is there anyone to help me resolve that asap?

I have someone at home all day every day except this Thursday morning, so I give my permission to schedule a visit for any date without waiting for a confirmation from my side, just inform me about the time please (and please call me on my phone if I don’t answer the door, don’t just leave).

(I was given 100gb for my mobile Internet yes, but I still can’t operate normally without a home Internet)

@airatdev I am sorry to hear that the mechanic didn't ring your phone. 

I am afraid my colleague was right, the mechanic that needs to come is a 3rd party mechanic. So for us it is not possible to reschedule this mechanic. 

What I do see is that there is an procedure to check if Fiber is possible on the adress. This procedure can take some time (up to 10 more days) 


I checked some information and there should be an ISRA point in the garage. Is it possible for you to check if something like this is there? 

If so, and you can find something like that there, could you connect the modem to see if it works? 


@Rutger_ thanks for the response. Should I continue waiting for the 3rd party to call back today or tomorrow as the customer support suggested, or is the whole thing getting postponed for 10 more days?

This apartment doesn’t have a garage (at least not one I’m aware of / have access to) and even if it’s present there I won’t be able to reach it. I’ll try to reach the landlord and get the information from them (but their latest response was a suggestion to reach KPN so...), but I would still need the modem in my meters room though, as there is an Ethernet plug connecting to the living room, which I’m planning to use.

A lengthy update: I just went to visit my upstairs neighbour (same zipcode, but the house number is mine plus two), the one who is having optic fiber with KPN according to postcode checker, and his meters room didn’t have anything for KPN as well. Neither DSL nor fiber boxes, only coax socket. He also just moved into this apartment one week ago, same as me, and is still waiting for KPN mechanic to come, but I feel like he is going to have a similar resolution (no plug/box found, another visit scheduled – let’s hope that at least he doesn’t miss the doorbell at 8am!).

Both our apartments have green cable which look like coax from another big provider (not mentioning the name so that this post doesn’t seem like a promotion for them) and an open coax plug. Could it be that postcode checker is wrong and only coax provider connection is available at our addresses? I’m trying to get in touch with the landlord, but I feel like during the renovation KPN cables were removed for whatever reason, and our best course of action would be to somehow reinstall them.

And this reinstallation thing leads me to realize that I still don’t understand the whole process, i.e. what would it take to make a connection possible in such way that the router stays at my apartment (not in the garage, not on the street, not in the air between the buildings, etc) and bringing back KPN cables in case they were lost during the renovation. I have meters room with plastic tubes for cables, so at least I assume it should be possible to bring the cable from the street. Now, does it require drilling, digging up the street? Is there any permanent damage to the apartment or nothing preventable by my rental contract? Is KPN doing that or do we need to coordinate with KPN Netwerk? I’m trying really hard to learn Dutch even though I’m only living here for 1 week, but for an English speaker it’s nearly impossible to reach anyone through the phone bots, so the more parties are involved, the less chances I feel I have. Or, do I need to go back and forth with the landlord to allow that, or can I issue the permission myself? Do I get fiber from the start or DSL first and fiber few weeks later? Is my case a common situation at all for KPN (since the first mechanic couldn’t address that I assume that it’s something not very normal, since it had to be escalated to other mechanic instead of fixing on the spot) or completely out of ordinary and would require multiple weeks of iterations and reassigning on different parties?

As you can see there are many questions, but if sum them up using some common sense, my current options look like this:

  1. Wait few days/weeks for KPN to arrange a 100/10 connection, then few more weeks/months and spend few hundreds/thousands euros on paid fiber installation to convert it to 1000/1000 (once/if fiber is installed). Don’t really mind the price, but the timing is not very good, as my and my wife’s work and life are super dependent on a solid internet connection, not a mobile one, not even a 100mbit one. We, a couple of a helpless millennials are truly suffering right now in a house without a non-mobile Internet. No smart home capabilities, no IP cam for monitoring our dog when we’re away, no heavy Call of Duty updates, no Netflix — could you imagine living like that? We have to actually talk to each other now instead of watching Youtube in a separate rooms.
  2. Wait few days for coax only provider to arrange a 1000/50 connection and live with that. I know that KPN unlike them does 1000/1000 because they lay fiber to the apartment, without using coax at the last step, but I don’t care much about the upload, to me the priority #1 right now is to have some connection at home which is not mobile.

So logically it seems that I should go with option #2, but from my short experience I liked KPN more than the other provider, I liked my interactions with support more, me and my wife use KPN for our mobile numbers and we’d like to stay with KPN as long as the realistic expectations on the installation are set and met.

Also, I went to to see the updates for my address, and if you enter the zipcode from my profile there, you’ll see that this apartment was changed from “non-residential” to “residential” at some point few years ago. Could that be related to the fact that all postcode checkers list that apartment as “not connected”? Even the other provider (which cable I have in the meters room) lists this apartment as “not connected”, combining this with renovation and repurposing I feel like it’s just an administrative error, as the whole street has fiber except this apartment, which is super weird. But again, right now I don’t care if it’s fiber or not, as I stated above I need anything.

And this morning I received an email that my ticket has been closed..

> De door u gemelde storing is opgelost.

I called back to the number mentioned in the email (I left the number/code in my private profile in case you need to follow-up on the ticket), and they told me that I missed a morning call from them and now they closed this ticket (excuse me, what?).

I didn’t even expect a call today, as I stated in my previous message according to previous support agent the call should have been made on Wednesday on Thursday, so at Thursday evening I assumed that no one will call me anymore.

This is situation is getting crazy, do I need to wait for another 5 days now? Is there any way for me to initiate the contact with this 3rd party myself? It’s been 10 days without the Internet already, and I’m powerless to do anything to change that, except maybe waking up before 8am every day, since it seems that this is the only time when your representatives usually visit or call me.

I stated in my previous messages, that I can be home all day every day if informed about the visit in advance, so I allow scheduling a technician visit without the confirmation from my side. Why it’s so hard to pass this information to this 3rd party so that they could send someone without going through extra steps?

Another frustrating news…


We’re still trying to arrange a mechanic. I’m waiting for a call back after a first missed call, but nothing happens for almost a week already. I’ve been calling KPN almost every day. Every time customer support agent is telling me that “they have updated the ticket and indicated that customer is still waiting for a call back”, one particularly helpful one even added an note that “customer is ready to schedule a mechanic for any date without a confirmation”, but today’s agent told me that there are no notes in my ticket at all and he is the first to update it.


It’s been two weeks without the Internet already, and no attempts to contact me since the last Friday. What’s going on? Is there anything anyone can do, or am I stuck in this nightmare forever?

@airatdev I understand that this is a very frustrating situation. Of course we also want to make your internet work as soon as possible. 

At this point it looks like there is no installation (ISRA) point at your adress. That is the reason we need to communicate with KPN Netwerk. To see what is the best option to resolve this. 

I would like to advise you to call the phone number you got again, and type in the code you got. Since as far as I can see the ticket that has been made is still open. 

Also keep your phone close. Since KPN Netwerk or KPN as a provider can contact anytime during the process. 

Tomorrow is going to be one month since we have no fiber connection with KPN.

KPN Netwerk never visited us, instead VolkerVessels mechanic came and said that they’re not authorized to perform fiber installations, so they installed DSL instead. Which is technically better than nothing, especially after 20 days without the Internet, but still kind of ridiculous considering the fact that I have a fiber cable in my meters room (they dug it up, but told that they can’t install a termination box).

I don’t know what was the resolution of “we need to communicate with KPN Netwerk”, but they never reached me, so I called them myself, and they told me to request a feasibility study. The thing is I requested it one June 2nd, and never heard back from them after that.

I don’t know what I should do now. I just don’t understand it, why do you have to perform a full-blown feasibility study when the cable is literally there? Ok, I understand that laying cable from the street to the apartment is KPN Netwerk responsibility, but since the cable is already there, isn’t there anything KPN can do to expedite this and save a client from further suffering?

If you have a coax cable, it is probably Ziggo. They also have a very decent connection. You could check that out, maybe they can provide services quickly. I just moved from Ziggo to KPN, but have been very satisfied with Ziggo (they are only getting too expensive)

@airatdev Good to hear you have a DSL connection now, I see the speed you have is up to 108 Mbit/s download and up to 30 Mbit/s upload. 

I am afraid that for the fiber connection we have to wait on KPN Netwerk to make an appointment to install the FTU. There is nothing I can do to speed up that process. 

So the only thing I can ask from you is patience. :(

@airatdev Good to hear you have a DSL connection now, I see the speed you have is up to 108 Mbit/s download and up to 30 Mbit/s upload. 

Good to hear that you have this as a backup sollution now. 


I am afraid that for the fiber connection we have to wait on KPN Netwerk to make an appointment to install the FTU. There is nothing I can do to speed up that process. 

So the only thing I can ask from you is patience. :(

This can take a bit of time because KPN network is very busy. You can check with the status of your address but you already knew that. If you call please call to KPN network because KPN retail/provider cannot do much for you except listen to your problem and sympathise.


I also had troubles getting fiber in my home. Repairman placed my FTU on 2 june in my house but because i had a combination order (i ordered glasvezel in the same time) they cannot set the installation on resolved. My neighbours who only had a installation order where activated a week after installation (just like your neighbour above you but than with a working FTU). I just got called that tomorrow i get a installerman to install the ONT at my adress. After that the KPN Network part is over and KPN Retail (provider) would be finally able to activate my connection.


I hope you hear from it soon, but luckily you have a temponary backup solution with your DSL now.

Almost 3 months have passed since my original request and by pure luck I was able to approach a KPN Netwerk mechanic working in the house nearby and arrange a visit, they came the same day and I have an FTU in my apartment now. NT is still missing and I seem to need KPN for that, but I’m not able to get a help over the phone anymore, since the support agent didn’t speak English, and my Dutch isn’t good enough for phone conversations yet. I’m not able to reach the support after the first attempt.


Can someone please contact me and arrange the final upgrade?


Postcode checker is not updated yet but they told me it takes some time.

@airatdev Thanks for your reaction! 

I see that there was contact with my colleagues, and that my colleague filled in a lead. 

This means that one of my colleagues will contact you when Fiber is possibble at the adress!