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i was supposed to receive my modem either at my new house or at a PostNL point, however it was returned back to KPN after two delivery attempts. 

How can I get my new modem on time for the activation of the service?


Thank you!

Hello @giu_91, i see you contacted the customer service yesterday. I assume that the modem. will be send to you again. 

Hi @Jeroen_dB, yes indeed. Unfortunately the operator couldn’t speak English though, so I had another problem.
She changed the “moving day“ to yesterday! Now I am still in my old apartment with my old modem and in the portal it reports the new address. Internet is fortunately still working at my old address.

I asked her only to send a new modem (for glass fiber) there and the rest should have been kept the same.


Thank you for your help!

There is no problem then @giu_91. The moment you connect your modem at the new apartment, the internet at your current place stops working. So till then, you can use the connection at your current place. 

Hi @Jeroen_dB ,

perfect! Thank you. I hope to receive an indication on when the package will be delivered again soon. I was planning to move at the end of this week. 

Thank you again for your help!




The DSL internet connection was stopped at my current place and the glass fiber one was activated in my new place. However, I can’t use it because the package containing the box that would allow me to connect the modem to the converter and then to the glass fiber box never arrived. 

I called yesterday because I couldn’t connect from my old apartment. They told me that I needed only the WAN cable to connect the modem at my new house with glass fiber connection, but it’s not true. I still need the “black box”. I don’t know what to do anymore. Can somebody send me again the glassfiber package? 


The fastest way to get the right equipment is to call again and give the right address of your new connection. The agent of the customer service can then send the needed package.