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I recently moved apartments at the beginning of last month. A week before moving I contacted KPN asking for my internet to be transferred from my old address to the new address. I was told that this was no problem at all and that my WiFi would be up at ready to go by the 16th of March and that all we would have to do is take our modem to the new house and plug it in. After moving in the WiFi worked for about a week and then the connection stopped. I called the KPN helpline and was told by an agent that I the reason I don’t have WiFi is because I need to make a new subscription for the new address. I signed up for a new subscription plan on the phone and was told that my WiFi would begin working. I checked with an agent on the online chat to reconfirm everything was ok as the agent on the phone did not speak great English. Speaking to the online agent they told me that I did not have to make a new subscription and they cancelled the new plan for me shortly after. I was then told that the “Back office” needs “additional information” and I would receive a call the same day or the next day. I waited two days and did not receive a call. I called the helpline again to see what the issue was and after about 20 minutes on the phone the agent informed that the issue was with the modem and that she will send me a new modem. I received the modem plugged it in and still no connection (of course) . I contacted another agent online and they told me that the issue was not with the modem but that the “Back office” needs “additional information” and I would receive a call the same day or the next day. And of course it has been two days and I have still not received a call, and to top it all off I was charged for WiFi that I cant even connect to. 

It has been nearly two weeks and I am still without internet.

This is quiet possibly the WORST customer service I have ever experienced. Every time I talk to an agent I get a different story of what needs to be done. Not sure if the issue is training or general incompetence but KPN as a big problem that needs to be resolved. 

Hi @Michaelvr, welcome! I am very sorry to hear that we make such a mess out of this.. Could you please update your forum profile with your current (new) adress and evt. customer number? Could you also put your telephone number under ‘persoonlijke opmerkingen'? Then I will check if we have the right one. I will look into it and come back to you as soon as possible. 

Hi @Michaelvr, welcome! I am very sorry to hear that we make such a mess out of this.. Could you please update your forum profile with your current (new) adress and evt. customer number? Could you also put your telephone number under ‘persoonlijke opmerkingen'? Then I will check if we have the right one. I will look into it and come back to you as soon as possible. 

I have just updated all the info.

Thanks! I can see that we indeed ordered a new subscription and also that it has been cancelled. Could you also put your old adress under ‘persoonlijke opmerkingen’? I think I will have to search for the ‘move order’ on your old adress.

Thanks! I can see that we indeed ordered a new subscription and also that it has been cancelled. Could you also put your old adress under ‘persoonlijke opmerkingen’? I think I will have to search for the ‘move order’ on your old adress.


Yes, I see it now. Unfortunately there is not much more I can add to the conversation you have had with my colleague yesterday. She asked for an update with our colleages from the backoffice. I updatet this ticket to let them know that we need to contact you a.s.a.p. They will call you as soon as possible. I'm sorry there is nothing else I can do 😞.

Yes, I see it know. Unfortunately there is not much more I can add to the conversation you have had with my colleague yesterday. She asked for an update with our colleages from the backoffice. I updatet this ticket to let them know that we need to contact you a.s.a.p. They will call you as soon as possible. I'm sorry there is nothing else I can do 😞.

Thank you for your help. But this is just a perfect example for everyone to see how bad KPNs customer service is. Poor communication within the company results in what we have right here, not a single person can properly solve my issue.

I will wait patiently for a call from the “ Back Office “ and continue to get charged for my WiFi.

I saw you reported my reply: there really isn't much I can do about the situation at the moment, so I picked the ‘best answer’ with the answer that is the best, although it's not the answer you want to have. We, off course, will compensate you for the time that you didn't have internet. 

I saw you reported my reply: there really isn't much I can do about the situation at the moment, so I picked the ‘best answer’ with the answer that is the best, although it's not the answer you want to have. We, off course, will compensate you for the time that you didn't have internet. 

Well it’s the end of the week and to no surprise I have still not received a call from your “back office”. 

I did indeed report your “answer” not because it’s “not the answer I want to have” but because it is in no way an appropriate response to my situation. And the fact that you responded in this way to my report highlights even more how bad kpn customer service is.  

I am not sure what I can do more. If there is anything more I could do, I would. I really do understand how unfortunate it is that the internet isn't working, so I am very sorry if I gave you the idea that I don't care. 

I am not sure what I can do more. If there is anything more I could do, I would. I really do understand how unfortunate it is that the internet isn't working, so I am very sorry if I gave you the idea that I don't care. 

Put me in contact with someone that can do something more. It is Saturday and I still have not received a call from your back office. And for sure the call won’t come because for sure they don’t work weekends. 

I am not sure what I can do more. If there is anything more I could do, I would. I really do understand how unfortunate it is that the internet isn't working, so I am very sorry if I gave you the idea that I don't care. 

I just spoke with a person on KPN support chat who said “The move order is stuck so it needs to be restarted. Normally date will be the same. Now I need to cancel the move order first.” He then went on to tell me that ordering a new subscription would be faster then waiting for the move. He also said that someone tried to contact me on the 13th of March which never happened. 


I’ve really had it with this customer support if getting a new subscription was faster why was I never told this at the beginning. Surely you Marcia would have been able to tell me this. I’m quite convinced that I will never get my wifi back which is great considering I like everyone else has to work from home. 

I am not sure what I can do more. If there is anything more I could do, I would. I really do understand how unfortunate it is that the internet isn't working, so I am very sorry if I gave you the idea that I don't care. 

I just spoke with a person on KPN support chat who said “The move order is stuck so it needs to be restarted. Normally date will be the same. Now I need to cancel the move order first.” He then went on to tell me that ordering a new subscription would be faster then waiting for the move. He also said that someone tried to contact me on the 13th of March which never happened. 


I’ve really had it with this customer support if getting a new subscription was faster why was I never told this at the beginning. Surely you Marcia would have been able to tell me this. I’m quite convinced that I will never get my wifi back which is great considering I like everyone else has to work from home. 


Hi @Michaelvr, I would not recommend to order a new subscription. Our system doesn’t seem to recognize your adress, hence the manual ticket we have had to make. I will try to ask another colleague about this, since they still haven't called you. I will get back to you as soon as possbile. 

My colleague is looking into it. I am expecting a response from him tomorrow. I will let you know if I have more information! 

I haven’t heard back from my colleague unfortunately.. I will ask him again and hopefully have more news by tomorrow. 

I haven’t heard back from my colleague unfortunately.. I will ask him again and hopefully have more news by tomorrow. 

I received a call from KPN yesterday from whom I presume you is the back office. The lady I spoke with was confused about the situation and barely understood that I moved apartments in the same building. After explaining this this said she would call back before 5pm. I received a call back today at 8pm from KPN. Now the lady who I spoke with said that she will schedule a mechanic to come to my house on the 17th of April. I explained to her that I don’t think the mechanic is necessary and explained the whole situation which she knew nothing about. Proving further how poor internal communication is within KPN. She said that she would have to ask her manager about this and that she would call me back tomorrow(mostly likely in two days). 

So now I’ve come to the grand conclusion that everyone at KPN has no idea what they are doing at all. Not a single person can answer a question or provide a consistent service. But what KPN can do consistently is charge me monthly. 

I would love to escalate my situation to someone who has some knowledge but as I’ve been told by you, Marcia, and everyone else I have spoken to there simply is nobody. 

By the way the number that called me was ‭+31 88 660 79 23‬ and a fun note you can’t even call this number back you can only receive calls. So if you miss their call you are out of luck. 

Yes, I just received an e-mail from her in which she told me she has been in contact with you. She is indeed waiting for her manager and will get back to you tomorrow. I am sure they will both do anything they can, as do I.

Yes, I just received an e-mail from her in which she told me she has been in contact with you. She is indeed waiting for her manager and will get back to you tomorrow. I am sure they will both do anything they can, as do I.

I received a call today, she didn't mention anything about speaking with her manager and simply setup a mechanic. No other options given just forcing me to have a mechanic come. I don’t know what the mechanic will do exactly as all I have in the apartment is the modem and where I plug the modem in the wall. Why wasn’t I told I needed a mechanic from the beginning. Now I have to wait a week for the mechanic and I would bet a lot that I won’t have my wifi fixed then.


Marcia please can you provide me with an email address or phone number that I can file a complaint to. Because this is not acceptable treatment of a customer.  

Hi @Michaelvr . I understand that you are not happy with the situation.  It's your good right to register a complaint but it won't do you much good now.

There's been a technical issue which we are trying to fix. Our system is not the most flexible when it comes to move orders. Since your move didn't go smoothly it was manually ‘repaired’.  Also we need a mechanic to look at the connection. It's very possible he needs to fix something in the fusebox or the local exchange ( small KPN buildings in every neighbourhood). 

If you want I can add more GB's to your mobile number and of course I'm very sorry this will take soo long.

Hi @Michaelvr . I understand that you are not happy with the situation.  It's your good right to register a complaint but it won't do you much good now.

There's been a technical issue which we are trying to fix. Our system is not the most flexible when it comes to move orders. Since your move didn't go smoothly it was manually ‘repaired’.  Also we need a mechanic to look at the connection. It's very possible he needs to fix something in the fusebox or the local exchange ( small KPN buildings in every neighbourhood). 

If you want I can add more GB's to your mobile number and of course I'm very sorry this will take soo long.

Hi Erwin nice to see Marcia passed me on to a new colleague. But in any case your response remains consistent with every KPN employee I’ve spoken with. If the problem with the move is your fault why do I as the paying customer have to suffer because of it. By the time the mechanic comes this issue will have gone on for a month. Just so you are aware at a normal company that cares about the customer they would have not made me wait an additional week to send a mechanic. You should have recognised the situation and prioritised me. But I don’t expect any one at KPN to agree with that statement.  I would very much appreciate that the mechanic be sent at a sooner date than the 17th of April as I could have been easily told that I need to setup a mechanic at the beginning of this whole problem. 


I asked for an email or phone number to file a complaint and still I have not received it. Please provide it to me NOW.


Yes add more GB to my number and my girlfriends number who also is working from home and has to use her data. Her number is +31 653773222 (Yes she is a KPN customer as well unfortunately)

Here you go:

I've added 50GB to both numbers.

I recently moved apartments at the beginning of last month. A week before moving I contacted KPN asking for my internet to be transferred from my old address to the new address. I was told that this was no problem at all and that my WiFi would be up at ready to go by the 16th of March and that all we would have to do is take our modem to the new house and plug it in. After moving in the WiFi worked for about a week and then the connection stopped. I called the KPN helpline and was told by an agent that I the reason I don’t have WiFi is because I need to make a new subscription for the new address. I signed up for a new subscription plan on the phone and was told that my WiFi would begin working. I checked with an agent on the online chat to reconfirm everything was ok as the agent on the phone did not speak great English. Speaking to the online agent they told me that I did not have to make a new subscription and they cancelled the new plan for me shortly after. I was then told that the “Back office” needs “additional information” and I would receive a call the same day or the next day. I waited two days and did not receive a call. I called the helpline again to see what the issue was and after about 20 minutes on the phone the agent informed that the issue was with the modem and that she will send me a new modem. I received the modem plugged it in and still no connection (of course) . I contacted another agent online and they told me that the issue was not with the modem but that the “Back office” needs “additional information” and I would receive a call the same day or the next day. And of course it has been two days and I have still not received a call, and to top it all off I was charged for WiFi that I cant even connect to. 

It has been nearly two weeks and I am still without internet.

This is quiet possibly the WORST customer service I have ever experienced. Every time I talk to an agent I get a different story of what needs to be done. Not sure if the issue is training or general incompetence but KPN as a big problem that needs to be resolved. 

it looks and feels like something did go horribly wrong with customer service from KPN,the person who handle this,did a mess,he/she should be recognized as an amateur (or maybe his/her english is not good) you claim that the wifi was stopped after working for a weeek,this means something did go wrong at their end(KPN), what did the agent say? she claims that you need a new subscription,this seems odd,because your internet was working for a week,as you claim


after you received a new modem,did you get all the 3 green lights working? did you do everything correctly? im not here to judge you,but it seems it did go horribly wrong with the back office @ KPN


they should send a mechanic to look into things,and someone who knows english to translate for him


KPN,you should look into this ASAP.

Here you go:

I've added 50GB to both numbers.

Hi Erwin I just passed by my modem and noticed the green light on indicating connection. I have tried connecting to it and it seems to be working. I did a speed test and it shows 69.8 Mbps download and 25.3 Mbps upload which is correct with my current subscription. Are you able to tell me what now is going on with my connection? Is the mechanic still necessary? 

Here you go:

I've added 50GB to both numbers.

Hi Erwin I just passed by my modem and noticed the green light on indicating connection. I have tried connecting to it and it seems to be working. I did a speed test and it shows 69.8 Mbps download and 25.3 Mbps upload which is correct with my current subscription. Are you able to tell me what now is going on with my connection? Is the mechanic still necessary? 

not if you are getting this speed,just try it several times,downstairs upstairs, so to get a indication where the problem could be,at this point you are good 

Here you go:

I've added 50GB to both numbers.

Hi Erwin I just passed by my modem and noticed the green light on indicating connection. I have tried connecting to it and it seems to be working. I did a speed test and it shows 69.8 Mbps download and 25.3 Mbps upload which is correct with my current subscription. Are you able to tell me what now is going on with my connection? Is the mechanic still necessary? 

not if you are getting this speed,just try it several times,downstairs upstairs, so to get a indication where the problem could be,at this point you are good 

Well my current subscription is for 50 download and 5 upload so not exactly what I'm getting now but also not less then what my subscription is. This whole thing is very confusing but as long as I have my wifi KPN can figure out what's happening.
