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I notified my move via KPN website on 8 August. Since you can choose moving date at least 10 days apart from the current date, I choose 18 August. 

Today I went to check the status of my move, because I never got any updates from KPN. Surprisingly, it says on the website that I have no current moving orders.

This situation is upsetting. If I will place new notification today 25 August will be the closest date. So one more week without any internet for me. 

Could you please help with this situation and clarify why my move was not registered? 

Hello @MyName and thanks for your message!

That is indeed upsetting and I understand your worries. The quickest way to get this fixed is to contact our department who are responsible for moving orders. You can reach the om the free number 0800 0402 and then tell the computer the reason you're calling is because you want to move (verhuizen in Dutch). If you do that, you will immediately get in touch with the right people! Will you let me know if this has worked for you?