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My internet is not working since this morning. I tried everything: reset& unplugging the Experia box, the same with the Wifi. Nothing worked. I tried scheduling a visit from someone from KPN, that fid not work. I am calling now at customer service, already 10+ min since i am waiting. 

What else can i do ? 

Hi @Ankhg , welcome to the KPN forum, where customers help each other.

First things first: are you on glass fibre, or on DSL?

If you have glass, have you also tried resetting the glass-modem? It can usually be found in the meterkast, and it is connected to your Experiabox.

If you are on DSL: which lights on the Experiabox are on and which are off?

Hello @Ankhg, i see you connected the customer service and they did send somebody to your home. I see the problems should be fixed by now. The technician changed your fiber connection box to fix the problem. 

Yes, it was solved in the end. I hope i dont have more problems.