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Dear sir madam

I have a subscription with KPN 1GB, but what i get at home sometimes 90mbit but most of the time is just 50mbit. I contacted you through phone and the mentor came and he called me and say because of coronavirus he will check the cables under the building and will not inter my house. 

However what is the solution now what can i do it is not fare that i pay for 1gb and get 50mbit, also when i registered it says 50% discount for 6 months but i received a full price this month 


Hi @Hani87. Welcome to our Forum here. I’m sorry to read you are not receiving the download speed you’re supposed to receive at your address. As far as I can tell you’ve already contacted our customer service by phone. Has the issue concerning your subscription been resolved? Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. In that case, make sure to fill in your personal details in your profile

Hello @Hani87. I haven't received a reply from you anymore. I hope this means the issue's been resolved. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Dear @Natasja  thank you so much for your prompt response, sorry i was without Internet for a while and i just managed today to go to my friend house.

Yes i contacted kpn customer service and i did something wrong when i ordered the kpn so they disconnected the service and they will send me new modem on 22 of April, i hope by then i will receive my 1gb i will keep you updated.




No problem, @Hani87. As I understand it a colleague of our customer service will send you a new modem. I hope this will resolve the issue with your internet speed. If there's anything I can do for you in the meantime, please let me know.

Dear @Natasja 

Finally today the Internet worked in my house but it still not that fast as you can see in the attached picture, and I'm paying for 1GB.


Can you please help me


I think all these tests are wireless. Please do the test again direct cabled to the modem and post the result. Then you can see if its a problem with the connection or with the wireless.

Hi @Hani87. Sorry to hear your download speed is still slower than the internet speed you pay for. As I understand it, your new modem hasn't resolved the issue. As far as I can tell, you’ve already contacted our customer service. My colleague has scheduled an appointment with a mechanic on the 28th of April. I hope the mechanic is able to resolve the issue. Could you please let me know the outcome of the appointment?

Dear @Natasja @Natasja  i got a phone call from KPN this morning and a man asked me to check the speed then he said he will send a mentor to my house but till now no one came or call, i called to kpn to ask but it. But i didn't get a clear answer when the mentor is coming or what is the next step.


Looking forward to hear from you soon 

Yours sincerely 

Haniser-mention widget

Hi @Hani87. According to my information, one of my colleague's left you a voicemail, because we weren't able to get a hold of you. Have you been able to listen to the voicemail yet? Unfortunately, it looks like we’re unable to resolve the issue right now (due to corona crisis). :disappointed: My colleague has explained the process in the voicemail you’ve received. I hope everything's clear now, but if you have any other questions, please let me know.

Dear @Natasja  yes i got it and i did what he said but nothing changed, i think i will be waiting till the measurement release a bit and thanks for your efforts 

I'm sorry to hear that, @Hani87. I’ve asked the department that looked into this to contact you to explain the situation. I expect them to contact you within 3 business days. 

Billions thanks dear @Natasja  i really appreciate it.


No problem, @Hani87. Please let me know as soon as you’ve heard back from my colleagues. 

Hi @Hani87. Since I haven't heard back from you, I expect my colleagues to have explained the situation. I hope everything is clear now. If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Dear @Natasja  yes i spoke with them and they didn't do anything and they said maybe something wrong with the hardware so a mechanic needs to come but because of coronavirus they can't come, so the problem will remain like this till the mechanic can come after the government make new announcements and it is more safe for us.


Thank you so much for your concern and support 

Have you tested the speed by using the Windows 10 Speedtest app on a PC that is connected through a network cable?

What is the speed when connecting to the server of RoutIT BV in Ede?

No problem, @Hani87. I'm glad to read you’ve had contact with my colleagues and that they’ve explained the situation. As soon as we’re able to schedule appointments with a mechanic again, my colleagues will schedule an appointment, so the issue can be resolved. 
