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I had today 2 workmen at my place to install the glassvesels .

Anyhow, now my landline (faste telephone) doesn't work any longer. Before I used to have also DSL . Well, now the telephone line is put into the teleph. gap at my Experia Box V10. Can someone please help and support me ? Is there an emailaddress at KPN to contact them ?

Thanks in advance !!!!!!!

Hey @Biggi That's strange. Our workman shouldn't have left before everything was working like it should be. I will look into this. Could you provide me with some personal information? I'll need your full name, adress, postal code and customer number. Could you post this in your KPN Forum Profiel ? 

@Biggi We haven't heard from you anymore. Do you still need our help with fixing your landline? Please let us know or call one of our colleagues (0800-0402 it's free) for technical support.:smile:
