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My fiber internet service is supposed to be activated today (I'm in Diemen if that matters), but the "Glas" light on the box won't come on, modem doesn't connect to the internet, and the activation link in the email I received fails after trying for about 15 minutes.


I tried calling customer service this morning, but after navigating several minutes of Dutch menus I couldn't understand and waiting for about 10 minutes, customer service told me that everything was fine and it would be active later in the day. It's still not working, and the phone service is only active during work hours (when I'm also at work, surprisingly). Is there a way to resolve this? 


PS: I don't have a Dutch phone number so I can't use the chat bot's call scheduling either


Hi Ozy, that's most unfortunate. Did you manage to resolve this issue? Otherwise I must advise you to contact 0800-0402 again and you should schedule an appointment with an installation technician.

It was resolved after a phone call and technician appointment. Apparently KPN had simply not connected my internet even though I had been told that I’d have my connection on the 7th, and even though I’d called a few days before that date to make sure that the line was actually connected and that I wouldn’t need a technician appointment.

My apologies than for the confusion and I'm glad it has been resolved. Please post an additional topic if we can assist you in the future!