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Yesterday I had a fiber connection installed to my house by KPN Network. They told me the “glas” light would light up in a couple of hours, but since then 24 hours has passed and it’s still not enabled yet. I also got the KPN modem delivered and connected, and it’s not working (obviously).

When I check the status of my order on this page, it says that my subscription will start on 3rd of March. But I’m not sure if this is the problem and it will get fixed by itself tomorrow, or there is another problem, since the technician said the “glas” should light up in a couple of hours.


Update: yesterday I talked with KPN Network on the phone, they said everything looked correct, and directed me to KPN. Afterwards I talked with KPN, and they said it will be fixed on 3rd of March, which is my connection date.


Today (3rd of March), I got a message saying my connection is enabled and I can start using internet, but it’s still not working. I unplugged the fiber box for 2+ minutes and replugged, still the same.  Called KPN again, and they said a technician has to look at this, and he will arrive on Monday.


Is there anyone who knows / can check what my problem might be? Thanks in advance

Hi @Omer G! Welcome to the forum. In cases like this, or any case where speed is of importance, please call 0800-0402. It's our free number for customer service. 

I was going to say they will likely plan an engineer. But from the data in your profile I can see an engineer is already planned. 

Could you please let me know after that moment if everything works okay? 

Hi @Bram_

Yesterday a KPN technician came and checked everything, including the connection at central. He said everything seemed fine and it looks like a cable problem. So today a technician from KPN Network came and he just did something at central and finally fixed the problem. 

I still don’t know what the problem was, but at least I got my connection now :)

@Omer G good to hear that it's fixed now. 🙂 I`ll close the topic for you.