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Apologies for the English.

I have ordered kpn internet for the apartment which I will start renting in a couple of days. I have just been informed by the municipality that the address I registered with (and order the kpn package at) is slightly wrong due to a mix-up with the additional letter. Would it be possible to confirm if the wrong apartment has been connected?

The current tenant has/had a telfort connection at that same apartment so it might be possible to correct this.
Hi Theios, welcome on our board.

Of course I can look this up. Did you receive a customer number for the connection you requested? I will also need the correct postal code, house number and addition. You can fill these in here.

Let me know when it's done.
Hello Alex and thanks for your reply.

I have reached out to the very helpful KPN page on facebook, who confirmed the issue and passed it on to the back room. Nevertheless, I have updated my profile with all the necessary info, including more details in the personal comments section, if you'd like to give me a second opinion.

Thanks in advance.
No worries. I see the request for a connection on addition A and I can also see that the right people have been notified. They'll contact to see if you have acces to the physical connection in your part of the apartment. If so, there should be no problem to deliver this connection.