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  1. Request Fibre Service online
  2. Received email of order
  3. I call KPN to check all is ok
  4. KPN system failed and the order not processed
  5. Called KPN again who made the order again over the phone

a further 7 DAYS

  1. Wait for service date
  2. Received equipment
  3. Connection day arrives
  4. Nothing. RED ALARM light
  5. Call client services
  6. 21st November - a technician will come 🤣

Now we wait like lemons for a further 10 DAYS.  Really is not good for first impressions.

  • If it works on this day - 24 days for a service to begin.
    • COME ON!!?? - Really?


I think really, we should have stayed with Ziggo. Really I do.

What concerns me now is the resident in the same block had the exact same issue, and they need to wait or a further 10 days after the technician visit because of a wrong setting.


Hi @KristonR! Welcome to the KPN forum. And sorry to hear why you've had to start the topic. 

How are things at the moment? If there is anything I can do to help please let me know here. If so, please also fill in your profile so I can find you in our systems. 

Waiting for someone to call re my complaint.

On the 11th I received a text saying it was delayed and it would be connected on 16th. It wasn’t.


I spoke with customer services, eventually I asked if I can speak to a manager, but apparently there is no such structure. (???)


So, we wait for 21st for the engineer to come- 3 weeks.  Y’know, another neighbour had T-Mobile engineer come around twice during this period. 🤣


Interestingly, or alarmingly.. not the T-Mobile neighbour who tried to get connected to KPN has removed the black box and is now live with another operator. 


In the meantime I am running I am running my home office and my partner’s work from home using my mobile as hotspot….It isnt great.  Video calls on Teams is useless. And a kid who is moaning… but that’s another issue.. its good for him to have no internet for a while.


If I can get that call regarding my complaint, it would be appreciated.

@KristonR unfortunately I can't call from the forum. This is mainly a place where customers help other customers. And there is no outbound calling here. I can check our systems and keep track. Assist where able. Which I will, until the matter is resolved. 

Also it is true our customer service representatives cannot transfer you to their manager. This is for a good reason however. They have all the tools to send for the right solution. Be it a ticket to an engineer or new hardware. They have a full range of options to fix any problems themselves or send a ticket to a specialist that can. So talking to a manager won't have any benefit. 

As the engineer is booked for 3 days from now, I can't speed that up. And I would like to wait for the visit from the engineer before registering a complaint. The reason for this is because if the disruption of your services is still going, it isn't clear what the complaint entails. So I'd like to wait until the 21st, when the engineer has come. See to it then that the complaint is complete in it's content. 


@KristonR I see in the report from our engineer that he completed the installation. Is this correct?

Installation complete.

1) I did not receive the promised call regarding my complaint..​​​​​​


2) My first invoice is showing a deduction of EUR25.  The agent that made the contract over the phone promised me that I would not be charged this, although it would show on the contract.

@KristonR I`ve reimbursed the 25 euro fee. It will be deducted from your next invoice. 

About the call back, from what I can tell in our systems the colleague planned the call back in case something still needed to be done. And it seems because the product had been delivered felt the call back wasn't needed. 

What I can do for you is help you with any other questions here. Or, if you do want to register a formal complaint, you can do so through our website