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Hi there

It is a very hard for an english speaker to receive help :(

I have two issues

- my internet box is now set up, wifi button is green light however there is no internet connection..i have reset the box several times. No internet.

- when i am trying to add my subscription details in the app and enter my client number nothing works, a message error pops up. See below for reference.

Can someone please help ? I don't have internet for a few days now and i must have it For work

Thank you.

Hi @Jojo3304! Welcome to the KPN forum. 

I`m sorry to hear the internet didn't work right away. I do see that the subscription started from my end. Are you able to confirm everything is working now?

In the top of the screenshot it says my colleagues have been alerted to the problem. And to try again in a couple hours. Has this worked?

If not, make sure to put in your customer number. This is a 10-digit number starting with 9. If you are connected to your home wifi, all you have to do is put in the last 3 digits of your bank account number. 

Could you let me know here if I can be of any further help?

Hi Bram,

The internet still doesn't work amd it has been since 29 August now. No one has contacted other than your reply on this forum.

I haven't had internet for more than 2 weeks now.

As explained the wifi works but there is a problem with the internet connection. This is confirmed by the kpn app by the way.

Can you please send a technician? I cannot spend another week without internet

Or if you cannot help me can you indicate me the digit numbers i need to enter when I am calling the customer service? I don't speak Dutch so i don't answer the instructions so i cannot be transfered to the appropriate english speaker customer agent


Hey Jasper 

I have tried to reach to the customer service several times with the same problem above. It isn’t true that if you don’t reply to the steps you are connected to someone from CS: They hang up the call !. I have been blocked for weeks now, paying for a subscription without having internet access.


Admin: moved to your own topic. It is not necessary to reply in other topic

Hi @Jojo3304! I see there's already an engineer planned for the 22nd of this month. Can I take it from this you've gotten through to customer service?

Hi Bram,

No I couldn't get through to customer service as I do not speak dutch and there isn't any option to enter a number to go througn an english speaker. Then the call hangs up is nothing is being said or entered 🙄 

I have a french phone number so kpn doesn't seem to want to call me back.


So i had to book a paid technician visit which is completely ridiculous considering that I have no internet since 29 August and only the forum as as support. I shouldn't pay 70€ fees for that visit at all.


Is there anything you can check on your end regarding my problem?

Can you please make sure that I don't pay 70euros for something that has never worked to be fixed?


@Jojo3304 when you agree to the service engineer you agree to the costs. I would like to recommend you cancel the engineer in this case. Then I can plan an engineer for installation. 

Depending on what's wrong this engineer may be free or not. In short, if there is anything on our side causing this, the engineer will be free. If it's anything like a cable that has been misplaced there's a chance costs can occur. But from what I understand you've done everything correctly so I`m not worried about that too much. 

Please let me know here if you've managed to cancel the engineer. And I will plan a new one as soon as possible.Â