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I have some problems with KPN.
I pay for 2 mobile subscriptions that I ordered in January.

I am supposed to pay 55 euros/month thanks to a korting when I ordered, but I pay 70 euros/months since then.

I have another issue. I moved to a new house and try to get optic fiber installed.
I requested the move on the 7th of April, and didn’t hear news until I received a letter telling me I have to contact KPN.

After I did, I had an appointment where technicians came to my house and started digging everywhere.
After 15 minutes or so they left without telling me anything, leaving my door wide open and damaged the garden of my neighbor. They didn’t clean anything or tried to fill the holes.

After multiple calls to KPN network, I still don’t have another appointment. Since a week the only thing customer service told me is “We’ll call you back”, yet they never did.

The worst part is that I still got charged on the 14th of April of 52 euros, even though they were not able to install optic fiber.

I am still without internet after a month, and seriously considering moving to another internet and mobile provider as they don’t seem to be willing to fix the issue asap.


Thanks for your help

Hoi @agouby . Welcome to the forum.

This forum is part of KPN the provider.   The company that is responsible for the network itself is called KPNNetwerk.

I'm sad to read about what happend and if you want to register a complaint or get more info you should contact them:


(Is there a fiberbox in your new home? Or is the cable still outside? )