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Dear KPN,

I placed the order that switch my internet from Ziggo to KPN, and no internet. It should be activated on 16 Otc. and I have already received the SMS.

After I set up the fiber optic box and modem. The light on the fiber optic box never lits and the internet light on the modem is flashing. I tried several times to reset them up as what I found on the KPN website, but it doesn't work.

Then I tried to make an application on the website,  but it failed . So I called the KPN , and they told me the technician would connect me. But I haven't received the call yet.
It 's already 3 days past, I want to know what I can do.


Hi @S. Zhao, welcome! I see you already called my colleagues (0800-0402), great! A ticket has been created for this issue. Our technical colleagues will look into it and contact you with a solution, within a couple of business days.Â