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my apartment does not have any internet installation thus no connection. Could you please help me with it?

Thanks, Arda

Hi @ardaisil, welcome to our forum. I understand you can't connect your installation? Does your apartment have a connection point and did you install our hardware there? What happens when you connect the Experia Box, do the indicators show any activity? 
In addition to that, can you add your postal code and house number to your forum profile (in the fields with 'privé', that way only you and I can see it)? With those I can look into the connection aswel.
I look forward to your reply. 

Hi @ardaisil, I haven't seen a reply from you. I take it that is a good sign? If I can still look into this for you, don't hesitate to ask.

Hi Jasper,


I made an installation appointment with your colleagues.


My apartment does not have a connection at all, no Ethernet socket. It is ***, ***- couldn’t add it to my profile sorry.


Best regards,



Admin: removed postal code for privacy

Hi @ardaisil, I removed the postal code from you reply, for privacy. When will the engineer come to install the services? I look forward to the results of that visit.