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It has been two days now without internet. It is really frustrating and it is already a working day now and I do not have any solution or an alternative from KPN. My internet went down on Friday (19-07-2024). So I called KPN and they arranged a technician to come by my house on Saturday. The technician however took a look and said nothing can be done and the issue is somewhere else. Now when I call them back today (22-07-2024), they still do not have a solution and are not ready to provide information on compensation or any other alternative. 


This is not how you treat a customer who pays 52 euros a month like a clockwork and have a contract for a year. I am reconsidering choosing KPN as my future internet provider. 

Hi @Sunil1985 , what exactly were the technician's findings? The fact that he said ''nothing can be done'' is very striking. A technician can either solve it himself, or create a ticket so that a subcontractor solves the problem. For example, if the cable is broken. 

The technician said that the problem is somewhere else and that he cannot fix the problem at my home. He did create another ticket and he specifically said that someone needs to go to the "distribution” box and replace the correct switch because he thinks someone must have messed around. In the meantime a temporary (100GB limit) mobile internet is not a compensation which I can use because I work from home and need faster and much more than 100GB. 

If you have used up the 100GB, it can be replenished through customer service. You could also call them to see if it is possible to receive an emergency package. If the appointment with the subcontractor takes a long time and these packages are still in stock. 

Yes but that still does not explain why there is no ETA for my glazvezel and why the internet went out in the first place when it was fine and working without any issue until 2 days ago. If it is as easy as someone tinkering with the distribution box, who's to say that this wont happen again?

Normally a technician creates a ticket. And then the customer is called back to make an appointment. This hasn't happened yet? If not, I would contact the customer service. I don't know the exact cause. And a technician cannot be completely sure because in some situations we don't have access to the network, such as with XGSPON. It could be a human mistake, something broken etc. 

This is what the technician who came the first time told me to keep a screenshot. But after this, I have not got a call back from KPN. I myself tried to call them today morning but they still said the same thing. To just wait for the call.


Admin: achternaam collega verwijderd i.v.m. privacy

Okay. You can also try calling KPN Netwerk, their telephone number is 0880 06 37 44. You may get more answers. Also this is a public forum so I would remove the photo because it contains the first and last name of the technician.

Sorry I did not realize it. But how do I remove the photo? I do not see any option to delete the photo or edit the post.

Oh yeah that's right. You only have 10 minutes to delete it. Now an employee has to do it. Can happen. I hope you get more clarity soon!

I appreciate your reply. I hope so too.

It is really frustrating that the same thing has happened within a span of 10 days. Now the internet is out for 2 days and KPN has still no ETA on a fix. Upon contacting the customer service, they say they are still handling the outage. This is the worst experience I have ever had with an ISP. I would not suggest KPN to anyone. Horrible experience. If given a chance, I would cancel my contract immediately, because this is not how a customer is treated. 

Hi @Sunil1985, how very unfortunate to see it's taking so long! Do you also have a mobile subscription with KPN? We could offer you a free 100 GB bundle in the meantime. Please update your community profile with your adress and 06-number if you want me to arrange that. Please note that we are not here 24/7, so the fastest way to receive the bundle would be to call us again (0800-0402). I genuinely hope this outage will be fixed as soon as possible!

Hello and thanks for your reply. I already have the "temporary" solution for the fix. The mobile internet which kpn has provided is nowhere near what I need for my use/application. What is worst is there is no clear communication from kpn about a fix (if there is one). Seeing how it's the weekend I don't see anything happening until Monday. So basically KPN has said "I have got you under my contract, and I can do whatever I want". As I said the damage has been done and I will never consider kpn ever again. 

I'm very sorry to hear that 😞. If you still need help, please let me know! I'm more than happy to take a look. If you want me to take a look, please update your profile with your adress and customer number. 

For now it seems like it is fixed. If the same thing happens after 10 days, then it's not a surprise.
