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Hello KPN,
I am writing to express my frustration and seek urgent assistance regarding my internet service, which has been non-functional for the past three weeks.

When your team first came to install the internet, which was 3 weeks ago, they identified issues with the optic fiber and assured me they would return that same afternoon to resolve them. Unfortunately, that was the last I heard from them. Despite calling KPN and the third-party installation service you work with over 20 times, half of the time  I have faced hang-ups mid-conversation with no follow-up. On three separate occasions, I was promised a callback to schedule a new appointment, in either 1 day, 3 day, 5 day , but these promises were never fulfilled.

Moreover , the emergency remote Wi-Fi device sent by KPN ceased to function properly after just two days, constantly disconnecting and leaving me without a stable internet connection. This lack of service has forced me to incur additional expenses to secure alternative internet solutions so I can continue working. The prolonged disruption is threatening my job security as reliable internet access is critical for my work. I would like to know what steps KPN will take to resolve this issue promptly.

Additionally, I seek clarification on any compensation for the extra costs I have incurred and the inconvenience caused. Furthermore, I would like to draw your attention to European consumer protection laws, specifically the Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU) and the Universal Service Directive (2002/22/EC), which mandate that service providers must offer a reliable service and provide timely resolutions to service issues. The lack of communication and failure to fulfill service commitments could be seen as a violation of these directives. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Vriendelijke groeten,


Maybe you can ask for a nood pakket , emergency package

Maybe you can ask for a nood pakket , emergency package

Hi Glille, unfortunately, i have already received emergency package, and that is what I am referring to on the remote wifi being constantly disconnecting to the internet. So no, that doesn’t work. 

Hi @stressedcustomer, welcome to the community. 3 weeks is a long time to be without connection! The noodpakket isn't helping you as much as it should be. I don't know what the exact situation is, since your details are not on your profile I can't see any information. All I know is what you've said in your posts. 

I situations like this, it is quickest to call us at 0800-0402. That way we can take a direct look into the situation. Via the community we reply a few days later, and with a disrutopion like this you want it to be as fast as possible.

Try placing de emergency package on a place where your mobile device also has the best connections.
