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My partner and I moved to a new house, we asked to transfer the service there from our online account more than two weeks in advance, everything looked fine on the website. After few days we receive a mail stating that the transfer was not succeded. We had to call two more times to confirm that we were moving, every time we were answered that everything was fine and that they had all the information.

The day that we were supposed to have the transfer of service to the new house, we still did not have any internet. We called again and we learned that the transfer was still not registered, there was no request at all! We were told that they would send someone the next day, but nobody showed up. Then the technician calls, saying that he was in front of the house. After a tour of the whole neighborhood we realized that he was sent to another city and he was sorry but he would not come to us. Such a mess!

We called again and we were told that we would have to wait, this time not another day but two more weeks without internet, just as we would be requesting it from scratch, and only because of THEIR mistake! Now, we cannot work from the office and we cannot work without Internet at home for two weeks. It's a big damage for us! And cherry on top, we are still paying for the (inexisting) service.

This has been one of our worst customer service experiences. Every time we talk to an operator we hear a different story. Unbelievable KPN!

Hi @chiaracaratelli, welcome to our forum! I'm sorry to hear things haven't been going smoothly with the move.  We'd like to take a look at this and see what is going on and if there's anything we can do to speed this along. For that, though, we're going to need some info. Please fill in your postal code and housenumber (both old and new) in the ‘postcode’ and ‘huisnummer’ fields of your forum profile. If you know your customer number, please put that in the ‘klantnummer’ field. Reply here when you've done so and we'll take a look.

Hi @chiaracaratelli, welcome to our forum! I'm sorry to hear things haven't been going smoothly with the move.  We'd like to take a look at this and see what is going on and if there's anything we can do to speed this along. For that, though, we're going to need some info. Please fill in your postal code and housenumber (both old and new) in the ‘postcode’ and ‘huisnummer’ fields of your forum profile. If you know your customer number, please put that in the ‘klantnummer’ field. Reply here when you've done so and we'll take a look.


Hi @Erik_, thank you for your quick reply. We were very frustrated with the situation, I hope you understand. We have called the customer service again and we have been sent an emergency package with a hotspot, so we can do with that until we get internet at home.

@chiaracaratelli . I'm glad they have send you an emergency package and I hope they wil fix the connection soon. 

Dear @Erwin_, @Erik_, could you please take a look at our situation? Our Client number is ***.

On 31 of July, we received an SMS saying that the internet was active from that moment, but nothing works yet. I think that there is a bug, we also received an online confirmation saying that the installation package should arrive on 01-01-1970.

When we moved in, for the first few days there was still internet from the previous owners which was working fine, so there should not be problems on that side. Just to be sure, we went through the whole diagnostics walkthrough on the KPN website.

Now we were told that a technician should arrive on the 6th of August, but could you please confirm that? Last time we had a confirmation that the technician was coming, he was sent to another city instead (Amersfoort instead of Amsterdam) and he never showed up.

We are very frustrated, we have sent the first request at the end of June, but every time we call, things get postponed again and it’s been more than a month now. Is there any way to know when will we have internet?

Thank you

Hello, I realized I put the client number in a public message, but I cannot edit it. Could you please hide it from the message? It’s saved in my profile. Thanks!

Sorry to hear that the internet still isn't working, @chiaracaratelli. I am indeed seeing here that signal should be ready since the 31st. I'm also seeing here that a technician has been planned for August 6 between 12:00 and 14:00. You should have received an e-mail confirmation of that as well (on the 28th). So, as far as I can see, all is well, and he will be there, tomorrow. Be advised that the technician will arrive somewhere in that 2 hour block, depending on how earlier appointments went.

Hi @Erik_, good to hear that, but we have just received a message informing us that a technician is coming on the 7 of August between 8:00 and 10:00, with no mention of the appointment of tomorrow. 

What does this mean? Is the technician coming tomorrow or not?

hi @chiaracaratelli . I am so sorry for all this chaos. 

To be honest, my systems only show an appointment for tomorrow between 12:00 and 14:00. 

I've contact an expert to look into this.  

Is there somebody home tomorrow? 

Hi @Erik_, good to hear that, but we have just received a message informing us that a technician is coming on the 7 of August between 8:00 and 10:00, with no mention of the appointment of tomorrow. 

What does this mean? Is the technician coming tomorrow or not?

Are you sure all your Time setting localization is set to Amsterdam (or Rome or Berlin or something in the CET or CEST for summer time) area. 

Hi @Erwin_ , thanks for looking it up. We will be home tomorrow.

Another thing, I just checked the last invoice and I still see our old address (postal code ****GM). We made a request to move to the new address, but I cannot see the new one anywhere in our client profile. I’m afraid that the technician could be sent to the old one.

Could you verify that he/she has the new address as saved in my forum profile (postal code ****CH)?

Would it be possible to update our address in the client profile?

Hi @Erik_, good to hear that, but we have just received a message informing us that a technician is coming on the 7 of August between 8:00 and 10:00, with no mention of the appointment of tomorrow. 

What does this mean? Is the technician coming tomorrow or not?

Are you sure all your Time setting localization is set to Amsterdam (or Rome or Berlin or something in the CET or CEST for summer time) area. 

Yes it is, thanks for the suggestion! Anyway, it would be their regional settings, not ours, as we are receiving emails with those dates in the text, it does not matter from which device you read them, the text is the same.

Anyway, the technician did not show up I guess I have the answer :D

Okay. Now we have to assume the mechanic will show up tomorrow morning. 

I'm so sorry it's all so unclear. I wish I could give you certainty but sadly our systems are giving me information that is contradictory. 


@Erwin_ @Erik_ the technician just came, and it’s solved! Thanks for the help.

That's good news! I'm glad it all worked out. Sorry for all the inconvenienceÂ