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I placed an order for internet on 16th July and received an email telling me that I would receive a confirmation in one day, but I am still yet to hear anything. Would it be possible for someone to confirm that the order has been placed? I deliberately ordered at that time for the Smart TV promotion so would really like not to have to do it again! Thanks.

@Abiroyal Welcome to our forum. 

I would like to check if the order is comfirmed.

Could you fill in your forum profile and let me know when you did? 

Hi @Rutger_ ,


Thank you! I have filled in all the information I know on my profile.

@Abiroyal Thanks for filling in your profile. 

With the information provided I see no order at all in the system. 

Is it possible for you to place a screenshot of the e-mail (without personal details) here? 

@Rutger_ This is the only email I received, straight after placing the order.

@Abiroyal Thanks for the screenshot. 

I am afraid that I cannot find any order in our systems. 

So something went wrong during the order. 

I would advise you to wait for another new promotion.