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Hello, I had a fiber optic connection and 1Gb subscription in previous apartment.
I called KPN and reported a move on 16th January (told the service guyf that I 'm going to move on 20th January, please move my subscription ). Service guy told me that I don't have fiber optic on new address , so only DSL connection, but I could connect easily and the fiber optic  is going to be done in February. 
I said “ok ”. 
But in the new apartment there 's NO connection, no black boxes, no white boxes. I called KPN, montage guy came and told me: “You don`t have cables at all on your floor, they were removed ” 
We made an appointment of installing copper (even though apartment right above me is going to receive fiber optic within 2 weeks, how 's that even possible??) for 2nd of February but I haven;t received any confirmation about it, not in email, not in SMS.

I called KPN support, they redirected me to KPN Netwerk support, they redirected me to contractor. 
Contractor said - We need permission. Even for copper cable.

I called landlords - they don't know anything about permission. I filled the form on KPN Netwerk website with contacts of the landlord - no reaction. 
All I have is an email from landlords to my email that they gave me permission to have internet. 

Could someone please tell me:
1. How is it possible that fiber optic is going to be connected in the ap artment above but for my it 's still need permission (it 's the same building after all) ?
2. Who should I send contact details / forward email from landlord that I want to have a fiber optics as soon as possible and every party agree with it?
3. Why can't I see any appointment (that supposed to be scheduled on  2nd of February) anywhere (not in email, not on KPN Netwerk website)?

So basically I was told on 16th of January on the phone that I 'll have internet without any problem and right now I paid for month of internet I don 't have and don 't use (apparently). 

Hi @aveandrian and welcome to our forum. 

I can imagine that you want some clarification on these things. 😕 so I'll answer your questions in order: 

1. How is it possible that fiber optic is going to be connected in the ap artment above but for my it 's still need permission (it 's the same building after all) ?

If fiber optic is going to be connected to your neighbors then your appartment/home should’ve received a notification a while ago about the fiber optics connection. The landlord should give permission for it, if they own the apartment and if the previous residents notified them. On the KPN Netwerk site you'll be able to see what the planning is for your address and what can be expected. 

2. Who should I send contact details / forward email from landlord that I want to have a fiber optics as soon as possible and every party agree with it?

KPN Netwerk as well! If you haven't heard back from them by e-mail, you or your landlord can also call them on 0880 06 37 44 on business days between 8:30 - 17:00. That's the quickest way to get in touch, especially since they'll be connecting your neighbors soon. 

3. Why can't I see any appointment (that supposed to be scheduled on  2nd of February) anywhere (not in email, not on KPN Netwerk website)?

If no permission has been given when it needed to be, there won't be an appointment as they won't be allowed into the apartment. For that, I'd also suggest calling them. KPN Netwerk is a separate department and they’re in charge of the fiber optics connections. On this forum we work as KPN the provider, for any subscription related issues or questions. 

I hope KPN Netwerk will be able to get you connected soon, or at least provide some clarity regarding the connection point.