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I had registerd for KPN internet only on 18th Jan and initially got the start date of 31st January. However I received another email couple days later than my registration date which said that extra research is required and that KPN will communicate later the final start date of Internet connection. This leaves us in an uncertain situation where we are without stable internet connection (using mobile hotspot at the moment) and do not know when in the future would KPN facilitate internet access to us. I expected quick action from internet provided in the Netherlands, however that has not been the case tilll now. At this moment we have received the router and accessories from KPN.


Hi @Sudhir, welcome to the forum. That is not a nice situation, you want to know when you can expect the connection to work. Usually the router and everything is delivered a couple of days before the connection becames active. So that sounds positive. 

Your details are not on your profile, therefor I can't see the specifics of your situation. Have you called us (0800-0402) yet? That way it can be checked the quickest.

Hi @Jasper van KPN ,


Thanks for your response. This prompts me to update that we have set up a meeting with the monteur (technician) on 5th feb.

On the other hand I have update my profile sufficiently for you to look through our situation with internet. So, you may let us know now if the connection will certainly be established on the 5th  during the technician visit or the technician will just assess the situation on that day.


I see the appointment for the 5th, the connection should be ready on that date. I see nothing that would suggest otherwise. I expect that the engineer will connect you on the 5th.

@Jasper van KPN - The monteur visit happened today and unfortunately he could not find the KPN cable/connection point. Thankfully our landlord will help in this matter and my landlord and the monteur have set-up another afspraak on 11 uur, donderdag. However I also heard the monteur say to me that it could be a really long time to set-up connection. Now, this is where we as a client have an inconvenince, for an uncertain number of following days I would be without internet which I have been for the past two weeks also. All this while I have used my mobile as hotspot, this method is not sustainable anymore. I do not have much data left on my phone and until yesterday I was having patience because of the hope that today we will have a connection. I feel hopeless at this moment about our future internet connectivity by KPN.



That is an inconvenince indeed. I hope the engineer can find it on thursday and connect everything. If not, it's best to give us a call then. A colleague will be able to look into alternative options with you.