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Hello KPN,


I am sorry but I’m gonna have to do this in English. My Dutch is not mature enough.

I have signed for the KPN fiberglass a few weeks ago. The start date of the contract was set to 1st of November. A technician arrived form KPN Network NL and installed the Nokia NTU and started doing some tests. He concluded that something is wrong and the connection is not working. His personal opinion is that the problem is somewhere outside where the fiberglass suppose to be connected to the network. Inside my house he said everything looks good. At this point he left and the only thing that he told me was to wait until I see the PON light green. Then I can connect my modem V12 and activate the Internet. He also said that he informed the right people and someone will fix it eventually.


I am sorry but, such an excuse doesn’t sound very professional at all, and I as a new KPN customer would like to get some answers when the problem is going to be resolved and what happens next. At this point I started calling KPN Customer service 0800 0402 and was told that this problem is for KPN Network NL to solve so I got transferred to them. 

Next, 20 min. on hold, until someone answered and told me that all he can see is that the connection is not active and he will transfer me to some external company that should fix the issue. 

Next, another 25-30 min. on hold until someone answers, I explained the issue on the phone at which point either the person on the other end hung up, or the call got dropped. Regardless, there is clear problem here, and I should not be the one calling and asking for information. I should have been provided with proper info what, when, where until the problem is fixed and my internet connection becomes active.

I have no patience and time to go through this 3 transfers once again, and wait on hold for an hour.

I am writing here with a request for help! Could you at least try to help me somehow and tell me a solid information about what happens next? When is the problem going to be resolved, and what company is involved in this?

When I signed the contract with KPN I chose the option to automatically cancel my previous provider (Ziggo) so luckily my internet through Ziggo is still working, but if it stops I don’t know what I’m gonna do as in these difficulty times I am only allowed to work from home.



Here is a photo of my NTU and the current status.


Hello @Runway6 , I am sorry to read this, but until the service at KPN is not working, the service at Ziggo wil go on until the service at KPN is activated, then the service at Ziggo will be stopped.

Wait for a moderator from KPN toe react.

Excuse me for my English, but I am Dutch.


Hello @Runway6 , I am sorry to read this, but until the service at KPN is not working, the service at Ziggo wil go on until the service at KPN is activated, then the service at Ziggo will be stopped.

Wait for a moderator from KPN toe react.

Excuse me for my English, but I am Dutch.


Hello @JanD , and thanks for you kind answer. Its good to know that Ziggo will be active until KPN is activated. Also, please do not excuse yourself for your English. Actually, I should be the one apologizing for not writing in Dutch :)

Looking forward to hearing from moderator. I really like to get some info and help with this issue.


Hello @Runway6 ,

Ziggo is probably provided via a cable and not fibre.

So there is no relation between the two internet providers.

Please fill in your profile, only the fields marked with “Privé” are visible for moderators.

A moderator can see the details of the customer.

A red alarm light on the Nokia is most times no signal or to weak signal.

Regards Bart

Hello @Runway6 ,

Ziggo is probably provided via a cable and not fibre.

So there is no relation between the two internet providers.

Please fill in your profile, only the fields marked with “Privé” are visible for moderators.

A moderator can see the details of the customer.

A red alarm light on the Nokia is most times no signal or to weak signal.

Regards Bart

Hi Bart, Many thanks for your answer. I filled in the data in the profile except the klantnummer as I don’t think I have it yet.


Hallo @Bart_2020 , @Runway6 is overgestapt van Ziggo naar KPN via de overstapservice, op die basis blijft Ziggo actief zolang KPN nog niet actief is, zo werkt het overnamespel nu eenmaal en dat het ik verteld aan topicstarter.

Een rood lampje op het G-PON-kastje betekent dat er geen verbinding is met de centrale via de wijkkast.

Bij mij brandde er een groen knipperend lampje, dat betekende wel verbinding met de centrale via de wijkkast, maar nog niet geactiveerd.


Google translate:

Hello @Bart_2020 , @Runway6  has switched from Ziggo to KPN via the switching service, on that basis Ziggo will remain active as long as KPN is not yet active, that's how the takeover game works and that I told the topic starter.A red light on the G-PON box means that there is no connection to the exchange via the district box.

@Runway6 Welcome to our forum. 

I am very sorry to read your situation. It seems that @JanD is right and the signal has not been activated yet. 

I have made a ticket for colleagues so they can follow up the situation. I am afraid I cannot give you a timeframe yet. But I will try to keep you updated as soon as possible. 

Luckely @JanD is also right about the Ziggo situation, that signal stays active untill our signal has been activated. After that we will let Ziggo know to end their contract. 


Hi @Rutger_ Thanks for you help. I am already feeling better just knowing that someone is looking into. I do hope the service can be activated in timely manner. 

Have a great evening and looking forward to hearing back from you.


Hello @Rutger_ 

While we are waiting to hear something back, I just wanted to ask you a quick question. It seems that other providers are also in the area here and started offering fiberglass internet, for example T-Mobile. Now, while I would like to fulfill my contract with KPN, at some point if the line is not activated for one reason or another, I will have to make a choice and either remain with Ziggo, or sign-up with T-Mobile for example. 

So to the question: Correct me if I am wrong but I should be able to cancel the contract with KPN if the contract is breached on KPN’s side correct? It was suppose to start on November 1st, but it didn’t and at this point I have no clue when it is going to to start. Of course I am patiently waiting to hear from you and highly appreciate your help. However, I think its fair to say that if KPN is not able to activate my line until end of next week, I will call customer service and cancel it.

Please do not get me wrong, I really do appreciate your help, and I know none of this is your (KPN) fault, but rather KPN Network NL or some of their contractors, but the reality is that as a customer sitting in the dark and not knowing anything is not so nice. I think the installation/activation was not handled in a professional way at all.

Well, let’s see what happens!


Hi @Rutger_ 

I have received a call from KPN back office and they told me KPN NetworkNL is still not ready, and they plan to activate the connection by week 47, which is 3 weeks from now. Not the greatest news, but now at least I know something. I am going to wait the 3 weeks and see what happens. Hopefully everything is in order.

Thanks for you help!