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Hey KPN Team,

Hope you’re well.

I’d like to get a call from you as I can’t order a home internet on your homepage (in the end of the process it says I’m not allowed to do that) and I can’t reach you via phone as I can’t get through the call automation as I can’t speak Dutch (tried to just wait what happens but it just hand up on my).

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards,

Hello @GaborN ,

KPN won't call you. Call them : 0800-0402. They speak English.  

Hey @Noordzee ,

Thanks for your answer but as I wrote I can’t get through the call automation as it hangs up on me. I know they speak English, spoke with them several times but earlier there was an option - something like “if you speak English press X” - when I called them but not now.

Okay, I’ve just say “internet bestellen” and after that I pressed 1 on the keyboard (hope that’s for new internet order) so I’m able to speak with someone.

An advice for KPN: I would be good if somewhere at the beginning of the call it would offer an English option which forward me to an operator (and this was how it worked for me few months ago).

Hi @GaborN and welcome to our forum!

Thanks for your feedback and I'm glad that in the end you did reach our customer service to get this fixed :) 
If there is anything else you might need support wit, please let us know.