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Sorry for the English, I’m quite new to the Netherlands still! 

So I’ve been with KPN for a couple of years and decided to change provider to T Mobile (pricing and I’ve had some issues with the PPPoE connections dropping out and no resolution.


I signed up to T Mobile with the overstappen service and the change over was pencilled in for the 21st. But yesterday on the 9th I lost my connection. 

I rang up and I was told as the KPN Netwerk engineer was in the area, they decided to change the carrier to T Mobile. Problem being that T Mobile can’t set the connection up until the 21st - I rang up and their installation partner can’t come any further.

I’m told by KPN and T Mobile this can’t be reversed. They are also blaming each other - KPN state T Mobile said it was fine to change already and T Mobile state KPN changed it in the system (they say this happens sometimes). So when I try to get this resolved I just get bounced between providers.


I work from home and I need internet but both KPN and T Mobile don’t seem too bothered this has happened.


Has anyone else experienced this and managed to get it resolved? I’m getting nowhere with customer services. This includes KPN customer service putting me on hold for long periods and eventually hanging up the phone, my experience with KPN customer service has been so poor. When I ask to speak to a supervisor it’s always declined 

From the various accounts they have been described, it seems to be the fault of KPN Netwerk for changing the line too early. I will try and give them a call Monday; but I don’t have much hope.


Hi @Danny-rgbykkk, welcome on our forum. 

I'm so sorry to hear this, Just to be clear, your connection is completely offline? 

Hi @Alex_P 

Yep, completely offline

I was offered some extra mobile data but that’s not so handy for everything that doesn’t use WiFi 



@Danny-rgbykkk I`m sorry to hear about the situation. 

First off: the overstap service is mainly for the administrative part of switching providers. By using it your new provider promises to cancel the old contract. Or pay the costs if you have a double contract for a bit when the switch is not done correctly. There are some extra rules to it, but that is basically it. 
This means that this matter is not something that has to do with the overstap service. 

Second: from the moment a line is cleared it can not be restored easily. It is not like taking out a plug and putting it back in. It is more like having a fish on the hook and cutting the chord. Once the ID on the line is lost it takes time to restore that. Especially with the limited time to the 21st of September, we could try to fix it before that date. But an added problem of that is that it might mess with T Mobile setting up their connection. This means it is ill-advised to try and get this process off the ground.

My recommendation is to call 0800-0402 and file a complaint. What they can do is find out if we were the cause the line has been cancelled. And see if there is a possibility to compensate anything. They will also have the best means of giving temporary alternatives. But do not that these will never be the same as the wired connection. It would probably be more mobile data or a 4G router. I can not guarantee this. But the complaint desk can see what is possible.

I`m sorry again that there isn't more I can do from here. And that you are in the situation you are in. And I hope that the complaint departement can make a difference. 

Dear @Bram_ 

Thanks for the detailed response!

I understand what you say regarding changing the lines back not being easy. It’s just frustrating how the overstap service has essentially failed given it promises ‘no downtime’.

I will make a complaint Monday and see perhaps if we can get hold of a mobile router and acquire a decent reason to why this happened rather than everyone blaming each other and taking no responsibility!



@Danny-rgbykkk right! For now I`m going to mark the topic as answered. Because there is a clear plan of action.

If you do still have other questions after the complaint has been handled, you can let us know here. We can re-open the topic and help you with those questions at that time.