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Dear Team,

I am using fibre optic connection with 100mbps package. But I am getting 10 mbps connection only. Moreover, the connection i setting disconnected very frequently nowadays.

You can verify my data from KPNID.

Please rectify this issue ASAP as I am working from home. If you cannot rectify the issues and provide me 100mbps speed, I want to change to another provider or you should reduce my monthly cost.

Thanks & regards,


Welcome to the forum @Jeov. Could you let me know if the speed you are getting is over wifi or when connected with an internet cable? If you are getting this speed over the wifi I would recommend using the Wifi Manager. Regardless with what you are describing I would like to ask you to do a reset of your modem, to see if that helps. If all of these things don't help please fill out your profile so I can see if there is anything wrong with the line itself.Â