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I ordered internet from KPN. 

KPN cancelled that order without letting me know.

KPN installed a cable for some other order in the same building - we thought it was for us, so our company representative showed the engineer where our office is and where the cable should be installed, but the engineer refused and said it had to be installed in the basement.

I discovered our order had been cancelled.

I telephoned KPN and had to place a new order.

KPN assumed that the cable installation was part of our order.

The router was delivered.

An engineer installed the router, but it is in an inaccessible location, that is publicly accessible and the signal does not reach any of our devices, and the engineer was too lazy too test that.

Now we are compalaining that the installation is not fit for purpose but KPN are refusing to do anything about it, and as far as I am concerned if KPN made such a mess of things we as customers should not have to pay to solve that problem, as customer we feel that being forced to pay to resolve a mistake that KPN made based on a stupid assumption is extremely unfair. 

If KPN had done the right things right from the beginning then I would not have a complaint. If the engineer had bothered to do his job properly and done some basic testing then this proiblem would have been identified a lot sooner. 

So far my experience is that KPN is the most useless company I have ever done business with.

Hi @Terrible service, welcome to our forum! 
Thank you for your message and bringing this to our attention! Have you filed a complaint about this yet? You can do so on

My second question is if you have private subscription or a business subscription. In case of the latter it's best you contact us on our other forum for businesses on by phone on 0800-0403

If this is about a private subscription you're at the right address here (but you can also reach us on 0800-0402).

I'm not sure why the first order was cancelled but should have absolutely not have happened without your consent or at least someone notifying you as to why it had to be cancelled.

Our engineers are instructed to install the modem at the place where your connection enters your house. This is commonly referred to as is/ra punt. In most houses this is in a relatively logical place within the house. In some instances like apartments they can be installed in hallways or other shared spaces but this is less than ideal and can lead to complications during installation.
The problem with this is that we can't simply move these points. If you would like to have it moved the owner of the property can request this at but this is not a cheap or quick solution.

We are a UK based company with a satellite office in Amsterdam, the fact that your sales team did not offer us a business/commercial subscription, or even suggest that that was an option, is a further indication of the poor service we have recieved.

I have complained about this here, becasue it is the only place i could find where I could complain about it. The telephone numbers you have offered do not work when dialling from the UK. I have now wasted 6 days trying to get this resolved, and all I get from KPN is "The problem with this is that we can't simply move these points. If you would like to have it moved the owner of the property can request this at but this is not a cheap or quick solution." 

There are several issues here: firstly, we as a business were never warned or notified of the original order cancellation.
secondly, the installation of the fiber cable was coincedental and KPN has now made the stupid assumption that it is related to our business in some way
thirdly, the engineer that installed the router should have done some basic testing to ensure that the router was in range of the area where it needs to be used
finally, we have bought a service fromm KPN, it is not our fault KPN deployed it in a manner that makes it unusable to us, and as far as I am concerned it is up to KPN to solve that problem - I don't care if it is not cheap, that is KPN's problem, I don't care if it is not quick, that is KPN's problem.

KPN have messed us around from the word go, and forcing us to spend money to correct that is unfair. 

I have just tried

  1. leads me to this forum
  2. leads me to chat which is like talking to wall, the people on there do not care, are not interested, and do not have the authority or intelligence to do anything
  3. offers me a call back which i cannot use becasue I am in the UK


yes, to file a complaint the customer needs a dutch phone number to be contacted by the complaints department. I'm afraid that without one they can't contact the customer.

From abroad you can also reach us on +31612001200 

so the message to anyone that is trying to setup a business in Holland is that they should avoid KPN, as they are useless in general and the customer support is even more useless. thanks for nothing.