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Since I signed-up for Internet connection from KPN, I keep using my own WiFi router. Until today I decided to use the WiFi connection through Experia Box V10A. Unfortunately I found it very poor:

1). It may take up to 15-20 seconds for my laptops and mobile phones to get IP address

2). The connection on my laptop always drop every few minutes

I saw few forum discussions where it is OK for them to use only the 5GHz, but my laptop can only handle 2.4GHz.

Is there a better way for me to fix the issue other than re-using again my own WiFi router and only use the Experia Box as modem?
Honestly saying I suggest to use your own router behind the Experia V10a in a LAN-WAN Setup. Switch the WIFI off from the Experiabox 10a. Put your own router in A separate network segment, for example in using ip-adres: or

I’m working for 8 Months now with this setup and I’m very happy with that without any WIFI problems and the speed I’m paying for. The digital television boxes are stil working via the ExperiaV10a.

I see so many discussions about WIFI on the Experia V10a so I’m convinced that this is the easiest solution for now. Or use separate Accesspoints and switch off the WIFI of the Experia V10a too as an alternative.
Thank you @Peter A. for your sharing. I'll look into it again after 1 week trying this setup. Last night I tried using the WiFi Tuner to automatically adjust the channel(s). If still not OK, then I'll turn my AP on again.
Welcome, FeHa. I'm assuming your phones can connect via 5Ghz? Otherwise you could choose to turn that off and only work with 2,4Ghz. But, failing that, if you have good experiences with your wifi router behind the Experia Box, by all means ontinue using that. Just make sure, if you have tv from us, to run them directly on the Experia Box. It might work connected to your own device, but chance of disruption is bigger.