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Today i spoken with one of your nice colleague to help me register a moving. The moving date is July 19th (im not sure why on the website its shows 27th i think its because of the glasvezel? is it possible to change the 27th to the 19th because for me now when i want to check the moving details its give me the 404 error page).

Anyway we managed to register the moving but there was some problem because the glasvezel is there for the new apartment but its not ready to use. The administrator told me from the 19th its possible to ask something called emergency internet package (to the new place) so until the glasvezel is ready to go we can use that. The other option was that instead of the 200 mbit internet we go with the 50mbit (which is the top provided speed in the new apartment) until the glasvezel is ready to go.

I talked with the other KPN but they cant tell date for the installation and all schedules are subject to change.

Is it possible to pre ask for the emergency internet package so from the 19th we could have the internet if we do not own kpn mobil subs? Or it would be easier if we would change our internet to 50mb (i said to your colleague we dont really would like to do this because after 200mbit the 50 is a really big step back) and change back once the glasvezel all fix and ready?

Thank you for your help and time!



Hi @Orsolya Sarkozi! Welcome to the KPN forum. 

Changing back to 50Mbit/s won't help. Where fiber is possible we deliver over fiber. So no speed will result in a connection through copper. 

What I can do is see if we can get the Direct Online Pakket with you before you don't have any services. What I need from you is for you to fill out your forumprofile. Sending this parcel should not take more than 2 workdays.

What I would ask is to please first contact customer support monday the 17th. You can call 0800-0402 to reach them. They should be able to send you a Direct Online Pakket on that day. This will then arrive either the 18th or 19th. 

If customer service can't manager to send you this on that day, respond in this topic. That way we can send one in time.


Thank You very much we have the emergency packet. We have still nothing with the glasvezel yet, but we are  living in the place more then one week, and we are paying the normal internet for the emergency at this point which is not the best choice for this price we paying and its as the name says emergency cant really use for bigger internet usage things. Can you please give us any update about the glasvezel? Our apartment () does have even glasvezel contract (made by the first tenant) or we waiting for now for nothing? Thank You

P.S. I just talked with the KPN Netwerk and they said “Unfortunately, there is no definitive planning yet as to when the connection can be realized, the order is still outstanding with the contractor. When the planning is known, the contractor will contact you.”

So this mean we will have to use the emergency up to an unknown date? Is there no possibilty that we can have the “old” internet at this apartment until we know something about the glasvezel? 


Admin: gegevens verwijderd i.v.m. privacy

@Orsolya Sarkozi when fiber is planned unfortunately there is no way to go back to copper. So the other type of connection is not possible. 

To confirm, you are not waiting for nothing. Fiber will be installed. It needs to be installed however by the contractor. So this dictates how long it will be until installation.

There is nothing I can do through KPN to speed this up for you. Apologies for this.