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I have been a satisfied customer for 3 years. We have internwt in kpn and there have never been problems with the coverage that has been around for several months. A speed test was done (two floors) with the help of your kpn page, with the result of the lowest data transmission ... The monthly cost for a subscription is 43 euros, and the quality of data transmission is getting worse, ans sometimes with a temporary lack of internet ... We are bot interested in additional equipment for improving internet speed that you offer on your website. Please verify and eliminate the problem. Thanks

Hi @M.m.W Welcome here and good to see you found the KPN Forum! You experience a lack in coverage, you say and you have done a test which confirms that. Is it right you mean the wifi signal in your house? Which speedtest have you done? To improve your wifi connection I can refer to our online wifi tuner. This online application tests the strength of the signal. After that the tool will do some modifications and in the end you will get a result. You will get some personalised advice or the possibility to order equipment. Have you tried this tool? What were the results? 

Hallo @M.m.W I haven't seen a reply from you on this topic. Does it mean that everything is resolved? Do let me know if you need some help. 
