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Dear KPN Customer Support,


I am writing to express my deep concern and dissatisfaction regarding an issue that occurred during a service installation at my home by one of your technicians, which remains unresolved despite my numerous attempts to seek resolution through your customer service channels.


A year ago, during the course of internet installation, my home's radiator was inadvertently damaged by your technician, and I had to arrange its repair. Unfortunately, I had to bear the cost of this repair myself.


Since the incident, I have made multiple phone calls and filed complaints with your customer service center, seeking resolution and a fair reimbursement of the repair expenses I incurred due to no fault of my own.


Time and time again, I have been assured that I would be contacted to resolve this issue. However, it is highly disappointing to note that, despite these assurances, no follow-up contact or proposed solution has been forthcoming.


I respectfully request an immediate response to this matter and, more importantly, a full reimbursement of the repair costs that I have incurred due to the actions of your technician.


I look forward to a prompt resolution of this issue.

This needs more investigation.  Can you please fill out your profile page and give me a heads up in this topic?

Hello, Erwin. Thank you for your reply.

I've updated my profile with my personal info. I hope that this information is sufficient to find me in the KPN database. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to clarify the situation.

Thank you. I've gathered enough information to take action.

In short:  You have registered a complaint and this complaint has been forwarded to a special department that regulates the activities of our mechanics.

I'm consufed as to why they didn't contact you so I've send them an e-mail requesting more info.

As soon as I get a response I will let you know!  

Dear KPN

yesterday i and my partner called customer service for internet issue .the guy who picked our call was very bad behaviour and we try to explain our problem but he was not believing us and then i try to stop conversation and said we call later but he call me back and said why you hang up phone on my face .i told him you should careful with your attitude and he called me back 3rd time and his was threatening .

HoI @bad behavior customer service . Sadly I see no record of a call made from our side. This doesn't mean it didn't happen but I can't trace the person responsible. I'm sorry this happened to you. 

Hello @Erwin_ 

It's been a month since our last communication, and since the matter was forwarded to the special department. I'm concerned that I haven't received an update on my case for such an extended period. I'd appreciate any insights or updates you can provide.