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We are moving to a new building on 7th of March. This is our official moving day required by the accommodation company and we can’t reach the flat sooner. Due to the current situation we are working from home like a lot of others and we wanted to have internet in the flat ASAP when we move in.

I asked a KPN colleague via chat before ordering internet package that is it possible to receive the modem and equipment package to a different address than the actual, so we can go there and have it immediately? He said yes, and I can change the delivery address when I receive the confirmation e-mail.

Today we received the confirmation e-mail, and I can see on MijnKPN that my order is prepared, but no possibility to change the address.

Shall I wait for another phase of the order to change the address, bc it will be possible or should I contact the customer service via phone immediately?

Sorry, it’s long and I hope it makes sense. 😊

Thank you for your help and answer!

Have a nice day,


@Julia W. Welkom here! Thank you for your topic.

My colleague was right after you receive the confirmation mail we are able to change the delivery address. To be able to change the delivery address I need both the address of your new flat, to find the order, and the address you want us to bring the package to. For verification, I also need your customer number? You can find this on the confirmation. Customer number in dutch ‘klantnummer’. 

Could you provide me with this information by updating your profile? Make sure you press the pSave changes] button. It doesn't matter where you enter the data, as long as it is a private/privé colomn. 

After your did this, please write a reation in this topic. otherwise, I don't get a notification. :blush:

Hi @Lisa ,

Thank you for your fast answer and help! I changed my data in my private profile fields. 😊🙏🏻

@Julia W. Are you btw moving the 7th of april of the 7th of may? Because you wrote down the 7th of March:rofl: . Meanwhile we unfortunately got a system failure so today I can't change the address. I can do it on tuesday afternoon. It this is too late, you can give one of my colleagues a call so they can fix it directly if the system failure is solved. Assubamle the system works again tonight, and otherwise tomorrow. Let me know if tuesday afternoon is still on time. 
Hope to hear from you soon. I just finished my shift, so tuesday is the first moment I'll look at the topics again.

@Lisa .  Sry, for the inconvenience. We are moving on the 7th of May, so we have time. 😊 

Hi @Lisa , Hope you are doing well. Just checking in if the address modification was successfull? :slight_smile: I managed to book an appointment with the technician on 7th of May.

@Julia W. Hi! I just did it. I assume you'll receive a confirmation by e-mail.  You arranged it all pretty well! I can indeed see you arranged an appointment with one of our mechanics on May 7th 1500-1700H.

Hi @Lisa! I received the confirmation mail about the different delivery address. 😊 Thank you for your help and assistance! 🙏🏻 

@Julia W. Your welcome! Good luck with moving :D

Hi @Lisa,

I hope you are doing well! I was just wondering when should we expect the package arrive before the moving? Will we receive it before the booked date with the technician or we should have already got it last week or so? Or someday in the near future? 😊

Thank you for your answer!

@Julia W. Hi! I'm all good, thank you. Hopefully this also applies to you. :hugging:  You'll receive the package 3 dayss before your moving date. If not, no worries because our mechanics always bring spare hadware along them. :blush:

Hi @Lisa, Everything is fine here. 🙂 Thank you for the info! Then the weird google translator made sense now. :-D
