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well, I am struing with the same issue.

Did all the steps and still not working.

please advise

*Admin: reactie afgesplitst, eigen topic aangemaakt.

@Paul_P, oh that's a real problem! Can you fill in your Forum profile so I can check the line for you? So your name, address and contact 06-number?
Hello Susan,

later on I realized there was some sort of "storing" from KPN side.

I found the info on the KPN website, so after few hours internet was back.

Its resolved :)

Maybe emial notification or better yet, sms would help people stayed informed and stop calling/reaching out to customer service? Just a suggestion :)

Thanks and have a great day
Hi there @Paul_P I'm just checking in for my collegue @Susan_ Good to hear the issue is already solved. 🙂 We publish information about these 'storingen' on our site. Depending on how big an issue is and many households are affected by it, other means (for example a text message or an e-mail) can also be used to sent out information. But it's a fine line, you don't want to wrongly inform customers.
