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Unfortunately my fibre internet connection stopped working 2 weeks ago 25-05-2023. Some KPN engineers have visited and determined that the problem was not something they could fix directly. I understand that we are now waiting for the infrastructure company to deal with it. This is not ideal, but I realise not everything can be fixed right away.


However, due to the lack of my normal fibre connection I have had to use all of my mobile phone (Vodafone) internet allowance + paid extra for additional out-of-contract data. Is it possible to get a temporary internet access package from KPN and/or some compensation while we wait for the repairs?

Hi @AndreZylstra and welcome to our forum! 

I'm sorry to read that you’ve been without services for a while and glad you’ve started a topic for this. Thank you for filling out your forum profile! 
I've applied for an emergency package with a Mi-Fi router for you. If the team in charge of these packages approved my request you should receive a text notification, so keep an eye on your phone. 🙂

Hopefully you'll receive the package quickly and hopefully you'll be back online soon with your home services! 
If you have any other questions, or run into any other problems regarding this, don't hesitate to let me know here. 😄

Thank you! I have now received an email about an emergency package delivery.

Great! I got the e-mail as well, so hopefully you’ve received it by now and can use the internet. I hope your services will be fixed soon!

If the data on the emergency package is ever depleted, call us on 0800-0402 and tell the ‘phone robot’ that you want to top up the emergency package (or noodpakket opwaarderen in Dutch). It will then be done automatically through the phone. 🙂

Since 25th May 2023 the glassfiber internet connection to my appartment has not been working. Before that everything was fine and the problem seems to have started after some repair work was done on my street. KPN has provided an emergency kit so we still have some connection which is much better than nothing, but obviously we would like the fault to be fixed as soon as possible.


We have had a few visits from KPN technicians and I have also spoken to several KPN employees on the phone. I understand there is a problem with the glassfibers which another company needs to fix. Last time I called I was told that the relevant company had been notified and that I should expect a call to book an appointment. However I have not received any calls in the last week since then.


I completely understand that some problems cannot be fixed immediately. However the current situation is very frustrating because I don’t know who is responsible for fixing the issue, how to contact them, or when I can expect the problem to be resolved.

I would be very grateful for information on any or all of the following:

  • What is the exact status of the problem? Is there any way I can check for updates without having to call?
  • Which company ultimately needs to take action to fix the problem? If it is not KPN, who is it and how can I contact them directly.
  • Can you provide any estimate for when our normal connection should be online again?
  • After the problem is fixed, is it possible for us to claim compensation for the time our connection was offline?



Admin: merged topics

Hi @AndreZylstra! I'm sorry to hear the connection isn't working yet. 😕

It's been a while since your message and I see the ticket is still open so it's safe to assume you don't have any services yet. Has the company in charge of the glass fibre contacted you in the meantime? 

Regarding your questions: 

  • You can't check the status unfortunately, but if you prefer contact digitally you can post a reply here and I can check what the status is. 
  • It appears to be KPN Netwerk. There's KPN in the name, but they’re a separate company in charge of the glass fibre connections. You can contact KPN Netwerk on their site.
  • I cannot. 😥 The date on the ticket keeps being moved because we haven't received an update from KPN Netwerk yet, so we’re unsure when we'll be able to mark it as solved as well. 
  • It is! You can use our compensation page for that as soon as your services are working again.

Indeed, our fibre internet connection is still not working 😥.

Thanks for the update and the information @Sanne_M! it’s reassuring to know that things are still happening behind the scenes. I’ll try to get in contact with KPN Netwerk.

Great, I hope they'll be able to provide some clarity. I've checked the ticket today as well but there's no new update yet unfortunately. 

It’s been another 3 weeks - any updates @Sanne_M ?


Also, can you refresh our emergency kit allowance, I think it’s finished? I’ll try to call later in any case if I don’t hear back from you today.



Sanne is currently on Holiday, so I looked into this for you.

I have an update. As it stands now, someone will look into it in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, the people that are needed are currently not available. I'm sorry you'll have to wait a while longer.

You can always call us to top up your emergency kit.

Thank you for the update @Denise_! I was able to get the emergency kit topped up.


Just to make sure I understood correctly - when you say someone will look into it in 2 weeks, does that mean I should expect the problem to be fixed in roughly 2 weeks? Or that it will be about 2 weeks before someone investigates what needs to be done to fix it?



I am afraid it's the latter. 😕 Though I'm not entirely certain.

Hi @Denise_ and/or @Sanne_M, do you have any more updates for us? The last I heard was from KPN Netwerk (not KPN) a month ago who said another contractor needed to do something.

It’s now been nearly four months since our fibre connection was working. At this point this needs to be pushed or accelerated from KPN’s side. It is KPN’s job (not mine!) to follow down the chain of contractors to get this fixed. I’m grateful for all the help we’ve have from you and other employees, but to have been left this long is completely unacceptable service by KPN as a company.

Very understandable that you’d like to know when you can expect to get the services you ordered. I'm sorry to read that there's been radio silence for a whole month. 😕

Strangely enough I don't see an open ticket with us regarding your connection anymore. I'll contact some people about this in hopes of getting things pushed and I will keep you posted. 

Apologies for the extreme delay, I'd really hoped you'd have services by now and I'll look into what I can do to get that sorted! 

Hi @AndreZylstra

I received a reply from my colleague. There's still a ticket open at NetwerkNL regarding your connection. 
That means that they’re still working on it, so that also means that we (KPN the provider) can't do anything until that ticket is solved. 

The short of it is that there's some damage in the cable somewhere, and they'll need some engineers on the spot to get that fixed. 
The last my colleague could see was that they asked the company in charge of the engineers for an update on the 13th, so they are chasing the ticket in order to get it fixed. 

No reply or update since then, but I hope it helps a little to know that they’re not just letting things lie. 
Hopefully it won't take too long now. IF you haven't received an update after 2 weeks, do let me know here! 

Thanks for chasing that down, the update is greatly appreciated!

Unfortunately we haven’t had any updates about our situation from KPN or KPN Netwerk in the last 2 weeks @Sanne_M. I did receive an SMS from KPN saying that some improvements were performed in our neighborhood, but that didn’t seem to affect our fibre connection. Would you try to follow this up for us again please?

Thanks for letting me know @AndreZylstra! I've asked my colleague to check if there are any updates and I'll keep you posted.

Happily it seems our normal glassfiber internet connection has been restored as of 18/10/23. I was notified via phone call that the fix had been performed overnight.


For what it’s worth, here is some feedback from my experience:

  1. I recommend adding the ability for customers to see the current state of support tickets online in their MijnKPN account page. That would reduce the need for customers to regularly call or otherwise contact KPN staff, thereby reducing their workload as well.
  2. The emergency kit is a helpful feature. However, unfortunately I found it quite frustrating to have to regularly call in to have it refreshed. The allowance is not particularly high, especially given that video and audio streaming are very common activities. I recommend increasing or removing the data limits for emergency kit users - especially for people relying on it for several months.
  3. As someone whose spoken Dutch is not very good, I am very grateful that most KPN employees I have spoken with were prepared to help me in English.

I'm glad it's been restored @AndreZylstra! 🙂 Sorry it took so long, but glad it's all sorted now. 

Thank you for the feedback. I'll forward it to the departments in charge. We’re working on a system where you’re able to see how your ticket is progressing, so that's in the works. 😄

Don't forget to ask for a refund for the period in which you couldn't use your services. Thanks for letting me know that everything is fixed now and enjoy your services!

If you have any other questions in the future, don't hesitate to make a new topic here! 

Hi @Sanne_M, I just tried to request a refund from the page you linked. Unfortunately there seem to be two problems.

1) If I select the option for an outage of more than 1 day (“Mijn storing duurde meerdere dagen”), I cannot input a date for the start of the outage longer than 1 month ago (21/09/23). Our outage began on 25/05/23 and ended on 18/10/23.

2) If I click on the information button next to either of the date entry options, it claims that it is only possible to claim compensation for up to 3 days, which I don’t believe to be correct. (“Je kunt voor maximaal 3 dagen vergoeding aanvragen.”)


Would you check up on these for me please?


Both of those are not correct for sure. I am not allowed to make refunds that big, so I'll ask someone who can to do this and I will let you know when I've got an update! 

The refund has been made. It will be settled with the next invoice. The rest will be transferred to your bankaccount. 
