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On wednesday I received a text that my KPN Box 12 would receive an update between 00:00 and 06:00.


Since then, most of thursday and continuing today, my internet is completely unusable, requireing  me to turn my modem off and on every 30 minutes to 2 hours.

I have called support and they told me to do a hard reset, because they said the update is buggy and needs to try a bunch of times, but they could not tell me what version I am even suppose to be on.


My modem is on version V12.C.24.05.08, which based on the date, looks old given there was a new update recently. This is still the case after several hard resets.


The modem says there are no updates:


I work from home and I am not able to do my job after this, customer support just tells me to continue to reset it, what is this?!

Hi @kradalby, welcome! The 05.08 update is the most recent one. The numbers of the update are not indicative of a date, it's just a version number. So, you are on the correct version.

What exactly is happening with your internet? You're saying it's unusable and you need to restart the Box 12 intermittently. But, is it wifi or wired internet? Is it going completely, or is it slow? Are you seeing any changes in the lights on your KPN devices: Box 12, and also wifi points and/or glass box if you have those.
