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Good Morning,

I was wondering if anyone could help. I have been a happy KPN customer for quite some time but recently I have experienced a number of issues that are only resolved by rebooting my modem, these include:

  • Very slow Internet Conenctivity
  • DNS issues - sites are simply shown as being unavailable when I try to connect to them, however if I tether my device to my mobile and use mobile data the site is available
  • Large file downloads are often unsuccesful or corrupted, however if I tether my mobile there is no issue

My modem is quite old and I fear it is having problems.

My configuration is as follows:

Modem: Experia Box - ZTE - H368N

Software Version: V1.01.00T10.3

WiFi is Disabled

Internet Speed - Fiber 200/200 Mbits
Goodmorning @Pjones Good to hear your a happy customer and ofcourse I'm gonna try to keep it that way.

So you experience slow connectivity. I'll look into that, but I need some extra information. Is your connection just slow or does the connection also drop? You say wifi is disabled, so I figure your computer and tv-boxes are directly connected to the Experia Box by cables? Could you do a speedtest and post the results with a screenshot over here?

I'll also need your full name, your zipp code and house number en client number. To keep this information private: can you post this information in your KPN Forum profiel This is only accessible for yourself and the KPN Moderators.
Hi Bart,

Thanks for your response.

I experience intermittent slow connectivity along with issues with the DHCP server (these issues tend to appear at the same time). I have a few devices connected via wired connections and then a separate router (acting as an Access point) managing my WiFi (I have tested both with and without the separate router and have the same issues also when the WiFi from the KPN router is used - in fact this is the reason I bought the separate router in the first place).

Regarding the internet speed - this is fine when the KPN router is performing well. I have around the 200Mbit download - no problem at all.

When the internet speed slows down I have noticed that client machines (wired and the ones behind my Router no longer receive IP addresses, they default to the APIPA address (169.254) which means they cannot access anything. Devices with a valid IP address continue to function but the internet is extremely slow.

Rebooting the KPN router resolves everything for a day or two at max and then I have the same issues again.

I tried enabling IP6 on the KPN router to see if this helps, it does not - whilst IPv6 is intelligent enough to find the router when no IPv4 address is leased, some websites are not accessible (I have since disabled IPv4).

Regarding the wired connectivity, one of my machines is a distance away from the router but another one is plugged directly in to it with a very short RJ45 cable. I have replaced the cables being used and the problems still occur.

I hope this helps


Hi Bart,

I wanted to let you know that I have since reconfigured my personal router as a router rather than an access point and use this as the DHCP server (my router is now configured with a static IP address on the public port).

Unfortunately we still have issues with the KPN router. After running for. Day or so the internet speed reduces significantly (the ping response increases) and after a reset of the router everything is fine again.

Hi @Pjones ! Thanks for the update and the extra information on how you set up everything.


It's quite difficult to pinpoint this problem and the origin of the slow connectivity. To figure out if it's really our Experia Box or something else, it would be a good idea to tests how the connection would be if you'd set up your netwerk in the preferred KPN way, so without the extra routers. Just your Experia Box, a cabled connection to the computer and no other routers. Could you check if the errors return with this set up? This way we see where the problem originates.
