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I’m on my 6th month since I started my contract with KPN, and I’ve yet to receive an update regarding my fibre opic internet.

The fibre glass box has already been installed, and there is a blinking green light already, but no one has yet to update me of the status or sent me a modem for me to connect to the internet.

I’ve mentioned the updated lights to KPN, but it seems like their fibre glass installer (KPN Netwerk) has not updated in their system that the fibre glass in my apartment has installed and ready to use.

I was told that I did not need to do anything from my side but wait until KPN updates me (this was around 5 months ago), but I’m not exactly sure how far along I should keep waiting here, since I should be almost halfway through my contract by now.


Hello @Paramitha, you are really waiting a long time. I can't make up if you now have connection with copper and waiting for a fiber upgrade. Can you fill in your profile

Hi @Jeroen_dB,

I am a new customer, and a fibreglass was installed by KPN Netwerk's third party installer back in February/March. I can confirm that it is a fibreglass box. But it seems the third party installer did not confirm/inform KPN Netwerk that this has been installed or turned on, so KPN Netwerk cannot confirm it their system. And, in turn, KPN cannot confirm that the fibreglass has been installed in their system either.

This is my understanding last time I asked for an update. But this was 3-4 months ago. Since then, whenever I ask to top up my emergency kit internet with KPN, I sometimes ask for an update, but all they can tell me is they don't know when the internet will be "turned on", and can't really give me a solid date.

Anyway, thanks for following up.

What i can see is that there is now a date set for the order and signal to be ready. The date is the 31th of July. 

Hi @Jeroen_dB 

This is because I called KPN to top up my emergency kit, and asked about it and they just moved the date to the 31st July from 14th August. They said this will trigger the delivery of my modem, but I've yet to receive any confirmation email or text that a modem has been sent to me.

The third party installer (Selecta Infratechniek) did call me yesterday to schedule an installation, but when I tried to explain to them that a box has already been installed and whether they need another person to come in anyway, the person on the phone said they would call me back, and they haven't called back since. I tried calling them again today, but sadly their customer service is either very busy or would just hang up on me.

I believe there is also a language barrier, which I do feel slightly responsible for. But at this point, since the bottleneck seems to be from Selecta Infratechniek's side, and they are quite resistant in wanting to speak with me, I'm not exactly sure what to do from my end but wait and hope Selecta Infratechniek and KPN Netwerk can resolve this on their own. But so far there has been no resolution after 5 months, I'm not sure what to, so any advice you have will be very helpful.

Thanks again,
