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I’ve ordered my Service to finish after filling in the emigration form and im still being charged. 

I havent been contacted by anyone to solve this. Please, i dont want to be charged for a service that im not using. What can i do?

Hello @Telmo, I definitely understand that you don't want to pay for something that you can't use. It might be that the subscription has been terminated, but you still receive an invoice. We always charge you up front. Our system does not recognise future changes and will always charge the amount due as it is registered in our system on the day the invoice is made. But no worries, you do not have to pay for services when you no longer use them. That's why we'll always send a final invoice to settle costs. As long as you receive a confirmation of your cancellation, you should be fine.


Hallo @Denise_ , zie ook mijn reactie in zijn andere topic.


@Denise_ The problem is also another one, I’ve ordered to finish the contract before being charged for the next month but only received the confirmation after the payment day. So now i paid 1 month for a thing that is not working. Can i have my money back? how? 

We always charge you up front. Our system does not recognise future changes and will always charge the amount due as it is registered in our system on the day the invoice is made. But no worries, you do not have to pay for services when you no longer use them. That's why we'll always send a final invoice to settle costs.

We will reimburse you on the final invoice, which you will most likely receive in February. I have to ask you to be patient.

Hello, @Denise_ 

Still regarding this situation, i already received an email confirming the end of the service but I didnt receive the final settlements and my 53 euros back . 

I cannot call to costumer service where I am now, what can i do in order to get that money back?

Thanks in advance

Could you fill out your profile as much as possible, @Telmo? Then I can see what I can do for you.


Hello Denise, can you check now with the info i added?

Thanks for helping me. 

I’ll be waiting on your feedback.

Yes, thank you. I see your contract has been terminated per February 4th. On February 10th you have received a final invoice for - € 10,26. That means you'll get € 10,26 back from us. You will probably receive this money next week.


Thats not correct.

I ordered to finish the contract before the debit date which was every 10 of the month.

I have also the mail that proves it. So there is no way or reason to charge me the next month.

The situation is that the service was charged again for one more month and nobody was using it. SO i paid 1 month extra which is 53 euros, not 10.


According to our administration, you have filed a termination of your contract on January the 5th. As you always have a one month notice, you're contract has been terminated per the first possible date, which is February 4th. Seeing as you always pay your invoices in advance at KPN, you've been charged for an entire month on January 10th. With the newest invoice, which you have received yesterday, we have reinmbursed the costs for your subscription for the days between February 4th and the 9th. As far as I can see, the final invoice is correct.


I have some corrections to your statement

Your employees on Costumer service and at KPN store in Rotterdam told me, more than 1 time, that i could cancel my contract anytime WITHOUT notice. I just have to request that by your website and mention the reason. My case, emigration.

There was no indication of a month period whatsoever, in fact, that was specifically the cause for me to have this service. Pay every 10 of the month, for the next monthly fee.

So, if my request is at january 5, MEANING before the 10th, there should be no reason to charge me one more month, from 10 january to this month. I paid a service i didnt use. 

In fact due to problems to connect with KPN costumer service line, i made it twice and one of them told me precisely that i should have my 50 euros back in the final bill that you mentioned above.

Please, dont give me wrong informations. This is concerning. 

I paid from 10 january to 4 of february. Dont tell me its from 4th to the 9th.

I assume that should be some misunderstanding from your side. I would like to request a review on this.

I ll be waiting on your feedback



Please, I also invite you to read your previous answers to this topic.

Quoting some:


We always charge you up front. Our system does not recognize future changes and will always charge the amount due as it is registered in our system on the day the invoice is made. But no worries, you do not have to pay for services when you no longer use them. That's why we'll always send a final invoice to settle costs.

We will reimburse you on the final invoice, which you will most likely receive in February. I have to ask you to be patient.

I understand where you're coming from. However, I do stand by my previous statements. You do not have to pay for services you no longer use, after the contract has been terminated. For example: you get your invoice on the 10th of the month and your contract has been terminated per the 15th of the month. We charge for an entire month up front, but you will of course be reimbursed for the days you have paid, but don't use our services anymore. In your case, you were charged for an entire month on the 10th of January, but your contract has been terminated per February the 4th. That means you get reimbursed for the days between 4 and 9 February as you have already paid for these days, but cannot use our services.

In case of an emigration, we usually end the service on the day of emigration. However, as your proof did not provide a date of emigration, my colleagues had to stick to a one months notice. Seeing you sent us the proof on January 5th, your contract has been terminated per February 4th, with a one month notice.

I am sorry, but I cannot do anything to change this situation.


So lets see if i understand. In case of emigration, the service is terminated in the day of the request as you mentioned.

There was no request in the documents with an emigration date! 
More! In the form for the emigration there is a box to fill with that information that you can see in the picture above.

Dont create new arguments where they dont exist, The document that was requested to me to upload was a work contract. period.

so the KPN saw all the info I’ve Provided and it was correct and afterwards YOUR COLLEGUES decided to stick to on month notice even if it doesnt exist?

This is not correct. You are providing a bad service, you just took money from someone in a pandemic period with no reason whatsoever, I would prefer to ear from you that you dont know what happened instead of blaming your collegues when you see that i made everything right.

This is bad service and i want to make a complain or talk with a manager. What can i do? 

I understand where you're coming from. However, you're incorrect. In case of an emigration, your services will be terminated per the date of emigration. I have checked the document you have provided as proof. This document is not valid as proof of emigration, as it's a contract of your temporary job in the Netherlands. This document does not tell us when you move abroad. Therefore my colleagues had to stick to a one month notice. Once again: I am sorry this is not what you expected, but it is what it is. The process and the invoices are correct.